The experts presented 4 quarantine scenarios to the Government: how life would change in each of them


Delphi offers all the expert suggestions. They were presented to the Government by prof. Ramunė Kalėdienė and prof. Mindaugas Stankūnas.

Scenario A

Scenario A: when less than 25 cases will reach 100,000. population in 14 days, the proportion of positive tests does not exceed 4 percent, and with an effective test and contact tracking system, most restrictions can be removed.

According to experts, this would not restrict domestic contacts. Nor would restrictions be imposed on the activities of health and social care institutions.

The restrictions would not apply to higher education, general education, pre-school education would take place. There would be no restrictions on the activities of catering establishments, commerce and the service sector, there would be no restrictions.

The movement of people within the country within the municipalities would be free, but there may be restrictions on traveling abroad.

Meetings of people would be allowed, museums, theaters, exhibitions and cinemas would be operated, sports competitions would be held, but the flow of visitors would be limited.

4 quarantine scenarios.

4 quarantine scenarios.


Scenario B

Scenario B: when there will be 25-100 cases per 100,000. population in 14 days, possible transition from national restrictions to location; quarantine applies to the most proliferative activities.

In this case, contacts between more than three households would be prohibited.

Nor would restrictions be imposed on the activities of health and social care institutions.

Higher education will continue to function remotely, with exceptions for the health, veterinary and life sciences.

General, preschool and preschool education would be provided at the national level. And at the local level, stricter restrictions may apply depending on the epidemiological situation.

Catering establishments would restrict customer flows and conduct selective employee testing.

In commerce, the service sector would also have limited customer flows and special service requirements to reduce the risk of infection.

The movement of people within the country would be evaluated according to the epidemiological situation within the municipalities.

Depending on the epidemiological situation, restrictions may apply when traveling to foreign countries or when arriving in Lithuania: border control, traveler tests.

The following guidelines would apply to events: Gatherings of up to 100 people are allowed, wearing protective gear and maintaining a safe distance. The number of participants in funerals and weddings must not exceed 10 people. There are museums, theaters, exhibitions and cinemas, sports competitions, but traffic flows are limited.

Scenario C

Scenario C in the expert report was defined as follows: the number of cases exceeded 100 cases per 100,000. population in 14 days, intensified testing and contact tracing measures, national restrictions apply; Stronger quarantine measures are applied to the most proliferative activities.

This scenario would prohibit contact between more than two households.

The planned health care services would be preserved in the activities of the medical and social care institutions. Priority is given to emergency care and the care of patients with COVID-19. Restricted access to social care institutions. Staff and patients are tested regularly.

Higher education takes place remotely, with exceptions for health, veterinary, and life sciences, and staff are regularly tested.

Basic, secondary and primary education takes place in the classroom through regular tests by teachers and students. At the local level, stricter restrictions may apply depending on the epidemiological situation. Employees are tested regularly.

Preschool and preschool education is provided at the national level. At the local level, stricter restrictions may apply depending on the epidemiological situation. Employees are tested regularly.

The activities of the catering establishments are limited, only food is taken and the employees are periodically examined.

The point of sale restricts customer flows and applies special service requirements to reduce the risk of infection. Employees are tested regularly.

The service is provided remotely or without contact. With the exception of health services, psychologists / psychotherapists (if necessary), veterinary, police and other services whose staff is periodically examined.

Restrictions apply between and / or within municipalities depending on the epidemiological situation. Depending on the epidemiological situation, restrictions may apply when traveling to foreign countries or when arriving in Lithuania: border control, traveler tests.

Meetings of people are prohibited. The number of participants in funerals and weddings must not exceed 10 people. There are no museums, theaters, exhibitions, cinemas, or sports competitions, except professional sports training and competitions without spectators.

4 quarantine scenarios.

4 quarantine scenarios.


Scenario D

Scenario D is described as follows: the number of cases exceeds 500 cases per 100,000. population in 14 days, and when the level of infection reaches a level where it is no longer possible to treat COVID-19 patients with the existing healthcare infrastructure and human resources, the most stringent containment measures are required .

Contacts of more than one household member are prohibited, except for social support bubbles for up to 2 households. This provision may be revised in the light of changes in the epidemiological situation.

Experts explain that the social support bubble is the home of a person who interacts with another home to provide emotional and practical help to people experiencing increased stress from isolation.

Restricted scheduled health care services are restricted. Priority is given to emergency care and the care of patients with COVID-19. Visits to social assistance institutions only in exceptional cases. Staff and patients are tested regularly.

Higher education – distance. Exceptions apply for life sciences, health and veterinary science. Periodic tests of employees are carried out.

General education is provided at a distance, preschool and preschool education is not provided, but there are exceptions for children of mandatory staff.

The activities of the catering establishments are limited, only food is taken and the employees are periodically examined.

In terms of trade, only grocery, optical and veterinary stores operate. Employees are tested regularly.

The services are provided only remotely or without contact, with the exception of health care services, psychologists / psychotherapists (if necessary), veterinary, police and other services, whose personnel are examined regularly.

Restrictions apply between and / or within municipalities depending on the epidemiological situation. Depending on the epidemiological situation, restrictions may apply when traveling to foreign countries or when arriving in Lithuania: border control, traveler tests.

Meetings are prohibited. The number of participants in funerals and weddings must not exceed 10 people. There are no museums, theaters, exhibitions and cinemas, nor sports competitions, except professional sports training and competitions without spectators.

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