The experts evaluated the decision of the head of operations: Šimonytė took a political step


Andžejus Pukšto, Associate Professor at Vytautas Magnus University (VMU), says that in the extremely difficult circumstances of the corneal virus pandemic, Prime Minister Ingrida Šimonytė must make the most important decisions and communication, who received a credit from public confidence in the Seimas elections. At the time, Mykolas Romeris University (MRU) associate professor, reviewer Virgis Valentinavičius Eltai, stated that I. Šimonytė, by appointing the Minister as Head of Operations, had taken a political action to counter all the accusations made by politicians against A. Dulkis.

‘ME. Šimonytė is doing some political action in this place. She shows what she thinks of the criticisms of A. Dulkis, which came before the man had worked for three days. Individual members of the Seimas, who did not deserve anything for handling the pandemic, began to explain that A. Dulkys would not control anything. The same can be said of the president, who, without serious arguments, even before announcing A. Dulkis as minister, said that nothing good would come of this candidate. Certainly, this is not what the president did to help A. Dulkis prepare for the toughest job in the country right now. By appointment, I. Šimonytė indirectly said what he thought about the criticism of the Minister, ”V. Valentinavičius told Eltai.

Even before the activities of the XVIII Government, I. Šimonytė has repeatedly mentioned that the post of Head of Emergency Operations should be filled by the Prime Minister, as this would allow a more operational management of a crisis situation that covers several areas and it would prevent the establishment of various centers of power. However, on Wednesday, after extensive discussions, the Cabinet of Ministers appointed A. Dulkis as Chief of Emergency Operations. When asked how he values ​​the change of position of the leadership of the new Government, V. Valentinavičius affirms that A. Dulkis should not be compared with the former head of operations Aurelijus Veryga.

‘ME. When Šimonytė said that the Prime Minister should demonstrate leadership in managing the pandemic, he was referring to the level of strategic communication. And the appointment of A. Dulkis as head of operations means such a practical, organizational and coordinating role. That all organizational matters should be in his hands (…) I. Šimonytė appointed A. Dulkis not to be A. Veryga, but to lead the position of operations manager normally. Perhaps we will wait and see how A. Dulkius will succeed in this position. We will also see how he manages to communicate and if he will be Mr. Veryga’s second or not. Now all these reproaches are fed in advance “, V. Valentinavičius told Eltai.

A. Pukšto: the head of operations must be the prime minister

At that time, A. Pukštas Eltai stated that the head of operations in such a difficult pandemic situation should be the prime minister. Furthermore, according to him, A. Dulkys is little known and has not yet gained the trust of the credit society.

“In my head, the most logical thing would have been for the prime minister to have been the chief of operations and had the main helm. You must also have all communication and must report the most important messages. I think there has to be a person here (…) Now I see that the Prime Minister herself has raised the same rake in a completely unnecessary way as the former rulers, appointing the Minister of Health as Chief of Operations.

There was probably a bit of cold blood here to make that decision. Why was it adopted? Organizational work on government formation is ongoing and will take time. As we can see, not all deputy ministers have been appointed yet and they have not started working. Probably, as I mentioned, the organizational work of the Government has not yet been completed this week and the chief of operations has had to be appointed. But logic says that the prime minister must lead here, “said A. Pukštas, associate professor at Vytautas Magnus University.
A. Pukšto also claims that A. Dulkis lacks public confidence to hold such important positions.

‘A. We know dust very weakly. He was the State Comptroller and is a vaguely visible personality. We will see how much he will take care of himself and what authority he will have in society. The operations manager should be a more well-known personality in society who has a certain weight and authority. That it would be known and visible to the public so that it could be trusted. A. Dulkys works in a fairly narrow circle of citizens, because not everyone was interested in his activities in state control. He is not a very well known person in society, ”A. Pukštas told Eltai.

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