the expert evaluated what the president was aiming at


Aidas Puklevičius discussed the influence of this situation on the authority of G. Nausėda and his chances in the next presidential election on the Lietuvos Rytas television show “New Day”.

Did you miss the opportunity to demonstrate true leadership?

According to the communication specialist, it is likely that a large number of people have not even heard of these awards, but the situation is really disappointing.

He said he would like the current political tensions to die down right now, but such events only fuel passions even more.

“I don’t think many people know what the Global Lithuania Awards are, and perhaps for some it was the first time they learned about the achievements in various fields.

The second is that it is a contrast between the first awards, when no one thought that it is possible to get into a situation in which three of those who have to receive these awards refuse to come to the presidency.

It is unfortunate that such a thing has happened, because, in fact, the temperature is already raised in a literal and figurative sense, by all the marches and heat waves, and by post-pandemic phenomena. In those cases, someone always wants the temperature to be lowered, but the other way around, ”said the communication expert.

According to him, it is not clear how many people still promise to announce their plans to run in the next presidential election, but he has no doubt that G. Nausėda will still enter the second round. According to A. Puklevičius, such an incident may be a long way off for his electorate.

“So many different things can happen in three years – old enemies can come to terms, the temperature can drop, and it can get even hotter,” he said.

When asked if it should be important to the president whether or not people would withdraw the award from him, A. Puklevičius said that now the presidency is trying to “disguise” this event as soon as possible.

“It’s left to the president to swallow patiently, hang on and wait for the next cycle of headlines and everyone will forget. This is probably a sensible position compared to the time I had to spend. vartantis to explain why Councilor Povilas Mačiulis came out to meet the protesting crowd. <...> “This is probably a successful tactic to comment as little as possible, in the hope that this is forgotten and disappears from the headline cycle,” the reviewer said.

He also remembered the events in Garliava.

According to A.Puklevičius, G.Nausėda had a great opportunity to demonstrate his leadership during the rally, but did not take advantage of it.

“Today was held a meeting of the Council of Health Experts, where the possible epidemiological situation in the fall was discussed – what will happen if we do not have 70 percent of the people vaccinated.

This is a basic example: if you want to be a leader in this situation, stop talking and do things, tell the crowd that you are not going to speak until everyone is vaccinated, because the health of our society and the associated economic health are the more important things, not what you’re here for. you’re dizzy about some mystical attacks on their families, “said A. Puklevičius.

He also compared G. Nausėda’s support for the family’s defenders to former country chief Dalia Grybauskaitė’s attempt to seek dialogue with protesters in Garliava. However, according to A. Puklevičius, the authority of the president suffered much less at that time.

“And then no one praised her for that attempt to flirt with the phenomenon Garliava, then there were already considerations that it could turn completely the other way around. But at that time, the president’s authority in society and the qualifications were higher. And also because there was less competition in the field of public opinion ”, explained the specialist.

In his view, addressing the president’s senior adviser to a crowd of protesters cannot be seen as a quest for dialogue.

“Dialogue is good, but you have to dialogue with conditions. Both sides of the dialogue must be interested in finding a compromise, it must be oriented to achieve some results. If that’s not the case, let’s face it, it’s just an escape from emotions and a chance to suck someone off. But this is not a dialogue and it leads nowhere, “said A. Puklevičius.
