The expert criticizes the government’s plan: it is as safe as allowing a cross to be kissed at the entrance


“Denmark is often cited as an example in discussions about including a negative test in the passport. Taking the experience of other countries, it is always healthy to see if the situation in those countries is comparable to the situation in Lithuania.

Let’s see what the situation is in Denmark. Comparing the 7-day number, Denmark has 4 times fewer new cases and 9 times fewer deaths per million inhabitants. There are currently 11 times fewer COVID-19 patients in hospitals. But there are 6 more times to try, “wrote V. Zemlys-Balevičius on Facebook.

According to him, in Denmark, the authorities managing the epidemic have much more competence, “and the response time to a deteriorating situation is calculated in days, not months.”

“As I have repeatedly mentioned, a negative test does not provide any security and its only benefit is to increase the tests in the population.

Spending time with people who have received a negative test in a closed room without a vaccine is as safe as spending time with people who have kissed a cross hanging in the doorway instead of a negative test, ”wrote V. Zemlys-Balevičius.

According to him, the probability of contagion will depend on the overall morbidity of the population and other applied safety measures (masks, distance, ventilation) but not on whether or not a negative test was obtained.

“It does not mean that there is no need to discuss and consider. But the general context must not be forgotten, “said V. Zemlys-Balevičius.

Government experts tend to support the passport of opportunity

According to BNS, government experts tend to support the passport of opportunity if those who have a negative COVID-19 test can also use it, says Živilė Gudlevičienė, the prime minister’s health adviser.

According to her, the main question debated by the experts was whether the passport of opportunities for the immune and vaccinated would not discriminate against other groups.

“There were no suggestions on whether to develop the idea further or not, there were only some arguments for and against. I can say that perhaps there are more arguments than that we still have to safely open up, and that is certainly not discrimination against some. groups that have not been vaccinated, as testing options for certain activities are also being considered, ”said the advising prime minister.

The experts discussed the possibility of applying rapid antigen tests to non-patients.

The Ministry of Economy and Innovation introduced last week the possibility of legalizing the so-called passport of opportunity. It could be given to people who have been vaccinated against the coronavirus, have had a negative test result, or have acquired immunity after COVID-19.

According to the ministry, such a passport would allow the provision of indoor catering services, larger indoor and outdoor events, as well as sports clubs open to a greater number of people and would allow private parties if more than two households are involved.

It was previously considered that such an opportunity could arise at the end of April.

According to the order of the Minister of Health Arūnas Dulkis, since the beginning of April, nursing and medical students can be used for COVID-19 vaccination.

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