The exceptions are: the outdoor ski slopes in the Botanical Garden


The Health Ministry says it is not considering such an option when ski resorts are asked to resume operations, as it would encourage gatherings and risk spreading the coronavirus. The president of Seimas also says that business expectations are understandable, but in the context of a pandemic it would not be worth making exceptions.

However, it turns out that there are exceptions for Vilnius residents who miss out on winter entertainment. The Botanical Garden of Vilnius University in Kairenai reports that skiers are welcome here on the weekend, when the snow falls the most. The garden has groomed slopes for freestyle skiing.

“Visitors to the VU Botanical Garden in Kairenai can now ski freely. There are still no tracks for classic cross-country skiing, ”reports the garden administration.

It is possible to ski in the Botanical Garden every day of the week. Access to the garden is paid.

Visitors are asked to arrive at the ski properly dressed, to follow the recommendations for safe distance and behavior on the slopes.
