The EU budget proposes a faster increase in payments to Lithuanian farmers: in 2022 – 200 euros Business


“In all Member States, the level of payments will be at least € 200 per hectare in 2022,” said Charles Michel, the rapporteur for the European Council.

Farmers in the Baltic countries currently receive the lowest direct payments in the EU, at around € 170 per hectare, compared to the EU average of more than € 250.

The gap between countries is promised to narrow “in six equal steps, starting in 2022”, with the condition that in 2027 the minimum payment will be € 215 per hectare.

“All members whose direct payments per hectare are less than 90% EU average, 50% will bridge the gap between their current level of direct payments and 90%. The EU average in six equal stages, from 2022 “the document reads.

President Gitanas Nausėda, who represents Lithuania in the negotiations, has not yet commented on this proposal. On the first day of the summit, he said he would push for profits to rise to € 196 next year.

AFP / Scanpix photo / Gypsies Nausėda

AFP / Scanpix photo / Gypsies Nausėda

Michel presented a new draft on the EU budget for 2021-2027 and the emerging economic recovery fund on the fourth day of the summit, in the hope that it will lead to a breakthrough in tense negotiations over a recovery plan after the coronavir crisis.

Jonas Talmantas, president of the Lithuanian Farmers Union, says that it is important for Lithuanian farmers that the payments are equal in the long term, as this is the only way to guarantee fair competition.

“It just came to our attention then. For those who get a lot, it shouldn’t go up, and for those who haven’t hit that average, it should go up and then we’ll level up and play it right,” J. Talmantas told BNS on Monday. night.

“Imagine that now they are driving on asphalt and we are on a simple gravel road, how can we get to them? Not at all, “he added.

The goal of 196 euros per hectare was established in the budget agreed seven years ago. Brussels officials say the planned amount was allocated to Lithuania, but this indicator was not achieved due to a sharp increase in the area of ​​arable land.

J. Talmantas estimates that Lithuanian farmers would receive 10% of direct payments annually. more if the arable land does not become vacant land.

“We cut and cut abandoned bushes and peat bogs. By increasing the areas, we dilute those benefits and stand still,” he told BNS on Monday.

The differences in direct payments in Europe are partly due to the fact that several factors lead to significant differences in the cost of agricultural production, from natural factors to labor costs.

Payments to Baltic farmers are well below the EU average.

Compared to Saturday’s version, the other major lines for Lithuania in the draft budget remain unchanged.

The so-called cohesion support for Lithuania in 2021-2027 may decrease by up to 24%, as the indicators of the Lithuanian economy have come close to the community average.

This decrease can be slightly reduced by compensating for the losses caused by emigration: for Lithuania it would reach around 180 million. euros

In the new financial perspective, it is proposed to allocate LTL 490 million for the decommissioning of the Ignalina nuclear power plant. euros

Funding for the Special Transit Scheme used by Russian citizens traveling through Lithuania between the main part of Russia and the Königsberg region should amount to LTL 189 million. euros This line is 50 million. The euro rose on Saturday.

In addition to the EU budget, Michel presented an updated proposal for a new € 750 billion Euro Economic Recovery Fund.

It would provide € 390 billion in grants to countries. another amount could be loaned. This is the first time that support has been provided to countries with co-financed funds: the European Commission intends to borrow money from international markets.

So far, there are no exact calculations on what part of the fund Lithuania would request.

The talks of the EU leaders could last until Tuesday morning.
