The EU budget offers Lithuania an additional LTL 125 million. EUR for agriculture Business


Additional money is earmarked for nine countries, to which a billion euros are offered. 700 million previously unallocated rural development funds.

European Council President Charles Michel presented a new draft budget with concessions to several countries to give new impetus to negotiations between leaders in Brussels on the budget and a separate economic recovery fund.

Farmers in the Baltic countries currently receive the lowest direct payments in the EU, at around € 170 per hectare, compared to the EU average of more than € 250.

President Gitanas Nausėda, representing Lithuania in the negotiations, promised to fight for profits to rise to 196 euros next year.

The renovated project also offered between 139 and 189 million. to increase funding for the so-called Special Transit Scheme, which is used by Russian citizens traveling through Lithuania between the main part of Russia and the Königsberg region.

No changes are expected on other important issues for Lithuania: the so-called cohesion support and the financing of the closure of the Ignalina nuclear power plant.

So-called cohesion support for Lithuania in 2021–2027 may decrease by as much as 24%, as indicators of the Lithuanian economy have come close to the community average.

This decrease can be slightly reduced by compensating for the losses caused by emigration: for Lithuania it would reach around 180 million. euros

In the new financial perspective, it is proposed to allocate LTL 490 million for the decommissioning of the Ignalina nuclear power plant. euros
