The estimated damage caused by Grigeo Klaipėda to nature is 48 million. euros


On Tuesday, a member of the Seimas, L. Girskienė from Klaipėda, who had been fighting against polluting companies in the port city for many years, reported that the damage caused to nature by Grigeo Klaipėda, when sewage treated from incompletely released into the environment. , amounted to 48 million LTL. euros.

“Today, the Klaipėda Regional Prosecutor’s Office awarded AB Grigeo Klaipėda the amount of 48 million LTL prepared and reviewed by the Department of Environmental Protection. Eur civil action for compensation for material damage caused to the environment in a criminal case ”, said the deputy of Seimas.

O.Vėbrienė reported that damages were calculated strictly in accordance with the data and documents collected and presented during the pre-trial investigation. “We have completely rejected emotions, the most important letter of the law, because the case, I have no doubt, will be a precedent. I will not hide, controlling emotions was very difficult. Only the damage caused to the environment is always difficult to quantify, as if those millions were recovering what was lost. In the law, everything is simple, elementary: those who have caused damage to the environment must restore the state of the environment, if possible, to the original state as it was, and compensate for all losses. The reality is different. Legal proceedings are awaited … ”, informed the head of the department.

During the press conference held on January 7, Klaipėda district prosecutors did not mention any harm to nature, even a year after the so-called Grigeo Klaipėda scandal. However, it was later emphasized that the fine alone could amount to about 5 million. euros. “Definitely more than a million euros,” prosecutors told prosecutors about the possible amount of damage to nature.

On Tuesday, the prosecutor of the Klaipėda District Prosecutor’s Office, Gina Skersinskytė, told BNS that the complaint had been submitted for a pre-trial investigation by the prosecution, the material of which will be handed over to the court. “They have filed a lawsuit, which we will refer to the court and will be dealt with together with the criminal case,” the prosecutor told BNS. When the case will be referred to court, he has yet to say.

On Tuesday

Call it a business lesson

Ligita Girskienė 15 minutes She said the news was a big surprise for her, but very gratifying. True, the woman says that the millionth amount raises the question whether Grigeo Klaipeda, if such damage is shown, will be able to compensate for its size and will not go bankrupt.

“I applaud my hands for calculating logically and I think it discourages such a company from being able to repeat the whole scenario. In fact, there must be a lesson for the entire business that there is a high enough reaction for such action. Together with community members, we consider bringing civil suits in the prosecution initiated by the prosecution, we will meet in the next few days, we will seek lawyers to help. If proven, it is obvious that there is damage to the community, to public health: people bathed, ate fish and breathed their smell, sewage was poured on the ground, there are many arguments. We were looking for a precedent in the EU countries, we will try to get involved with the civil plaintiffs. There has been no such practice in Lithuania, ”said Ligita Girskienė, who told Grigeo’s story about the contamination of the Curonian lagoon along with other public figures and joined the Seimas in the fall. So far, L. Girskienė says that the possible amount of the civil claim has not been discussed.

In fact, there must be a lesson for the entire business that there is a high enough reaction for such action.

According to the woman, the Klaipėda City municipality could also take protection of Klaip residents fromda from such company actions.
