The epidemiologist named a distinctive feature of the fourth wave of coronavirus


According to the epidemiologist, the spread of new cases in Lithuania is very fast. The country is already dominated by the Delta variety, which has supplanted the Alpha variant.

Due to the rapid spread of the virus, a quarter of Lithuanian municipalities have already entered the red zone for the COVID-19 disease: 15 out of 60.

“Due to the rapid spread of the Delta variety, the entire territory of Lithuania may soon turn red. I think we will have that situation in August, “said the specialist in the television program” Lietuvos diena “” Lietuvos diena “.

D.Razmuvienė emphasized that young people (18 to 50 years old) are especially sick. Even 80 percent. infected: Lithuanians of working age.

This is a distinctive feature of the fourth wave of the virus. During the second and third waves of coronavirus, the absolute majority of those infected and seriously ill were of a respectable age.

Delaying the vaccine is a mistake

“It just came to our attention then. While we wait for the fall, we should definitely take care of vaccines, because they can protect us from complicated cases of disease or even death,” advised the epidemiologist.

D.Razmuvienė explained that the Delta strain virus is more contagious, a sick person releases more of the virus into the environment and it is easier to penetrate the mucosa of another person who has not yet been infected.

She argued that postponing vaccination until September was a mistake. A month and a half should elapse between the first dose of the vaccine and the development of complete immunity. Therefore, it is better to get vaccinated now.

D.Razmuvienė warned that the last month of summer is not difficult for Lithuania. “Seeing the spread of the Delta, in August we will count hundreds of new cases in Lithuania. But we can also reach thousands a day,” predicted the epidemiologist.

We allow the virus to spread

COVID-19 units are also filling up in the country’s hospitals. At present, there are more than a hundred seriously ill Lithuanians there. D.Razmuvienė emphasized that almost all hospitalized people are not vaccinated, the vast majority of patients are younger.

The specialist explained that it should not surprise us if a person who has been fully vaccinated becomes infected. “This is a normal vaccination practice. It does not depend on the vaccine, but is determined by the characteristics of the person: age, available chronic diseases, “said the epidemiologist.

According to her, as of June, only about 4 percent. hospitalized individuals were fully vaccinated. However, each case must be considered on its own merits. Perhaps they were extremely vulnerable medical people.

Therefore, according to D.Razmuvienė, it would not be appropriate to emphasize the infections of vaccinated people. “It just came to our knowledge then. That is certainly not the case. Global and European practice shows that the COVID-19 disease affects people who have not been fully or fully vaccinated,” said the specialist.

He noted that young people are extremely reluctant to take care of their own safety. It vaccinated only a third of young people between the ages of 20 and 24. elderly. Therefore, there is no shortage of virus susceptible mass. “We are allowing the virus to spread extremely fast,” added the epidemiologist.

D.Razmuvienė emphasized that in summer the mobility of people is very high. We go on vacation abroad and to various places in Lithuania. Large-scale events are also taking place. Therefore, the infection will easily spread throughout the country.

The spread of the virus is quite serious and it will definitely not stop.

The spread of the coronavirus is quite strong and it certainly will not stop, as the number of new cases increases, says Daiva Razmuvienė, an epidemiologist at the National Center for Public Health (NVSC).

“Every day there are more and more cases registered and in Lithuania a quarter of the municipalities are in that red zone, completely unexpectedly, but there is a summer period, holidays, mobility of people, communication has increased significantly “D. Razmuvienė told Lithuanian Radio in an interview on Friday.

Waiting for the third dose of the vaccine

Lithuanian doctors started vaccination against COVID-19 more than half a year ago. D.Razmuvienė explained that in Lithuania, in the near future, there will be a possibility to receive the third vaccine. The European Medicines Agency (EMA) has already given the green light to this.

According to the specialist, the need for a third vaccine is not in doubt. “There have been many clinical trials that have shown it. This is a correct practice, because we still do not know how long the virus will circulate among us ”, assured the epidemiologist.

The maintenance dose of the COVID-19 vaccine should be administered mainly by doctors, in the elderly and in immunosuppressed patients.

Power tight tone

D.Razmuvienė stated that the majority of the population that has not yet been vaccinated is not strictly against vaccines. Many people still doubt. It is they who should be affected by the hardened tone of power over the unvaccinated. He stressed that many European countries are imposing stricter restrictions on non-immunized people.

However, the specialist stressed that the government’s actions should not be misinterpreted. “It should not be forgotten that bonding is not coercive. It is necessary to understand the meaning of the words. Likewise, it is essential to wear a seat belt and not run a red light on the street. But sometimes people do not” , compared the epidemiologist.

According to her, the extension of passport activities only for immunized people would create a quarantine situation applied only to unvaccinated people. The restrictions would apply only to them.

D.Razmuvienė explained that such measures are necessary to prevent the emergence of new virus strains. “It just came to our attention then. This is a pandemic, a new virus. We don’t know what other varieties we will get.

It should be understood that this is not a whim of a country, but a global problem. Therefore, people have the opportunity to protect themselves with a specific measure: a vaccine, ”said the epidemiologist.
