The epidemiologist is about what restrictions need to be relieved now – this is the key to success


Mr. Gradeck pointed out that particularly strict contact restrictions have negative consequences for people’s psychological well-being.

“These limitations need to be viewed not only through an epidemiological prism. Sometimes surgeons decide that rescuing the whole body is done by hand. But surgeons are not considering cutting off the head while saving the heart,” he said. a specialist who had previously advised then-Prime Minister Saulius Skvernelis on health issues and was deputy director of the Marijampolė Primary Health Care Center.

The interlocutor was reminded that Prime Minister Ingrida Šimonytė has also said that the psychological condition of society is very important.

“Active communication with the public, not from the center, telling us what to do is the key to success that allows us to overcome this pandemic. This creation of social bubbles that is being considered must be accepted even if the situation does not improve as politicians want. Otherwise you may win the battle, but you will lose the war, “Gradeck said.

He warned that the psychological difficulties people experience can lead to self-destructive behavior, and after a decline in suicides has been observed for some time before the pandemic, we may again have a leap in the other direction.

The epidemiologist supports the suggestions of the experts on the advisory council to gradually release opportunities for contact between people by forming domestic bubbles.

Restrictions on education can have long-term consequences

Paul gradeckas

Paulius Gradeckas

© DELFI / Domantas Pipas

The interlocutor was not inclined to dramatize the business situation and called faster than suggested to alleviate conditions.

“It may sound cruel, but the business is growing and failing. People are being hired and fired. It may not have long-term consequences if it is not a major crisis. When the time comes, we will get back on track,” Gradeck said.

He is much more concerned about the situation of the education system.

“This is exactly the same place that with the psychological state of society, we can have long-term negative consequences,” Gradeck said.

The epidemiologist said he understood that the decisions and suggestions of experts in this field are based on the experience of other countries, but he drew attention to the uniqueness of Lithuania.

“If other countries like Denmark can close, and when it starts, it will catch up very quickly, with the results of our assistance, the inability of children to learn by themselves, the inability of parents to prepare their children for themselves. ourselves, our results could be even worse. ” – Mr. Gradeck was worried.

On the pandemic and the men who come to the outpatient clinic only when they take out their wives

Asked in general about the situation in polyclinics, if people get help with their difficulties (not necessarily coronavirus), the specialist replied that those who are used to visiting there continue to visit. More difficult to reach are those who are not in the habit of going to the doctor for a medical check-up.

“Polyclinics are visited by a certain contingent of people who first want to know about their health. If they know they own the research, they will come and do it. The number of laboratory tests has not decreased.

The problem is that at least in the past we still have to say, say, wives pulling men to check, consult a doctor who perhaps, for example, should take antihypertensive drugs. These are the men now, thinking that “yes, the polyclinics are closed,” which is not true, and then maybe without asking for help (not coming), “Gradeck said.

However, the specialist pointed out that in general there is no such drop in services as in the first wave, when contact services were provided very little.

Four scenarios and the idea of ​​support bubbles are proposed

As already announced, experts have presented 4 coronavirus scenarios to the Government based on a morbidity of 100,000. population during the last 14 days.

4 quarantine scenarios.

4 quarantine scenarios.


The creation of social bubbles in each of the scenarios is also analyzed separately.

• The support bubble can consist of:

– single person or single adult households;
– households with a disabled minor or an adult who needs permanent care due to a disability.
• Households eligible for the support bubble can maintain close contact with another selected household, regardless of the size of the selected household.
• Both households that form the support bubble agree to stop having close contacts outside of the bubble (eg working remotely).
• If a support bubble forms with a person at risk, it is also recommended to wear masks, keep a distance of 2 meters and ventilate the room (at least once an hour) where the meetings are held.

You can read more about the idea of ​​support bubbles here.

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