The end of SIM cards is coming to an end: Lithuania will be one of the first in the world to implement eSIM technology


“After the adoption of the amendments to the ERI, Lithuania would be one of the first in the European Union. Legitimizing this innovation. Currently, we” link “our phones and mobile devices to mobile operators via a SIM card. With this innovative eSIM technology, various devices, including mobile phones, will be disconnected from the SIM card and it will not be necessary to change the SIM card when changing mobile operator ”, says the Minister of Transport and Communications Marius Skuodis.

If the Seimas approves these EIA provisions, Lithuania would be one of the first countries in the EU and the world to legally establish this innovative and future-oriented functionality for all users: change the communications operator remotely without changing the SIM. . card, says the Ministry of Transport.

The validation of eSIM innovation in Lithuania will create favorable conditions for the emergence of smart cities, the adaptation and development of the Internet of Things and the 5G connection, as well as helping to provide more efficient services in logistics, transport, energy, financial services. , environmental protection, health and other sectors.

The use of eSIM technology is particularly important in the energy sector, which is rich in smart meters. The use of eSIM in smart meters will reduce the maintenance costs of such devices. This technology can be implemented in many logistics elements: a container, a vehicle, sensors in logistics centers or even in the product itself.

ESIM technology can also be widely applied in the environmental sector, where using this innovative technology, special devices indoors, outdoors or in the water would collect, analyze and provide data on air or water quality very quickly.

Currently, the public sector is obliged to change communication service provider every three years, and if another service provider wins the tender, all available SIM cards must be replaced. This creates enormous costs for taxpayers. The introduction of eSIM will make it easier and less expensive to switch providers, increasing competition and lowering prices for services. The legalization of eSIM in Lithuania will open the way for innovations: it will create favorable conditions for new services and providers to establish themselves on the market.

Following the budget allocation at the initiative of the Ministry of Transport and Communications, the Communications Regulatory Authority, together with the winner Ernst & Young Baltic, is developing a model to promote the use of eSIM in Lithuania based on a detailed analysis of international practice and the actual situation. This study is scheduled for December.

Conventional SIM cards have been used for more than 25 years, since the mobile connection began to work and, to this day, SIM cards have to be physically changed to change service provider. With the launch of eSIM, changing the SIM card will be another thing that we will completely forget about in the future with the entry into force of the new ERS.

Taking into account technological development trends, eSIM innovation in Lithuania would come into effect from 2023, after the Seimas approved the modifications to the ERI.

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