The Employment Service promises benefits for Friday, more than 60 thousand. they did not receive them on time


Job search benefit payments are currently being intensively formed. The first payment phase for June began on July 17, but due to data server failures at the Registration Center, payment of benefits was suspended and delayed for five business days.

Benefits are scheduled to be paid this week to all customers who apply in June. Employment Service professionals have to process large volumes of applications. Until July 31. A total of 159,258 requests were received.

“Many requests are completed with incomplete or incorrect personal data, account numbers, which also limits the smooth and operational entry of data into the system and the execution of orders. In addition, a significant number of requests were submitted in the last days of June, which also affected the postponement of the payment of benefits to July, “explained Giedrė Vitė, Director of the Department of Employment Services.

The job search allowance begins on the 17th of the current month. days paid before the end of the month. For July, benefits will be paid from 17. to 31 d. We would like to point out that the amount of the job search allowance for June will be reduced proportionally depending on the application date. When the benefit is due for less than a calendar month, the amount of the job search subsidy paid for that month will be reduced proportionally.

Unemployed persons registered with the Employment Service are entitled to a temporary job search allowance of EUR 42 if they are entitled to unemployment social security benefit, or EUR 200 if they are not entitled to unemployment social security benefit or the payment period at the time of applying to the Employment Service. it’s over.

This additional support is part of a general package of measures to mitigate the negative effects of COVID-19 and quarantine. In particular, this benefit will guarantee at least a minimum income for those who have lost their jobs and cannot find one quickly. The job search allowance will be paid for 6 months, but not more than the end of 2020.

According to the Employment Service, 220,953 people are currently looking for work. Since June, 17,242 new clients have been applied.
