The Employment Service offers a way to get a profession in demand for free: it is available to everyone at the end of September


It is one of the best online training sites in the international space, with curricula comprised of up to 200 different universities and vocational schools around the world. More than 68 million people have already chosen to study, acquire a profession, improve their qualifications or simply expand their field of knowledge. consumers around the world.

“I was very surprised a few weeks ago when I saw a message on social media that the Employment Service is inviting you to study and get free certificates. training platform, “says the blog journalist Giedrė Simanauskaitė.

“Via email [email protected] I submitted my name and soon received an invitation to join the learning community and choose a course that I want to study for free. Among the many programs, I chose Agile meets design thinking, developed by the University of Virginia in the United States. “

Milda Jankauskienė talks about how to register before September 30 if you want to improve your score for free.

The Employment Service offers a way to get a profession in demand for free: it is available to everyone at the end of September

– As happened here, the Employment Service began to cooperate with

– Extraordinary times require non-standard solutions. The pandemic has learned to operate remotely, and more activities will move into virtual space in the future. We seek new forms of services to help people adapt to a rapidly changing market and changes in the world. Therefore, since June, it began to cooperate with Coursera.orgWe invite people to acquire a profession or improve their qualifications on this international online training platform.

– How many people have already chosen this opportunity in Lithuania?

– Currently, 12,567 invitations have been sent through the Employment Service and the training of 8,682 registered users of has begun. 5,386. This platform can help Employment Service clients in three ways: acquire future skills, get a profession in demand, issue professional certificates. And all this for free.

– What are the most popular course programs selected in Lithuania through the Employment Service?

“Programming for Everyone (Introduction to Python)”. Šį kursą baigė daugiausiai žmonių. Taip pat “Write Professional Emails in English”, “Excel Skills for Business: Essentials”, “Learning How to Learn: Powerful Mental Tools to Help You Master Difficult Topics”.

– There are really many people who are registered and want to learn. What trends do you see improvement?

– The general trend shows that this option has attracted the interest of a wide range of professionals in the public and private sectors. Clients make a variety of choices, often looking for opportunities to upgrade existing qualifications or simply acquire new skills that are not directly related to the job. The courses here help not only as a platform that can provide additional qualifications, but also as a place where you can learn more about your hobbies, gaining useful social and psychological skills.

Work from home

Work from home

A variety of skills can be acquired on this platform. These include business, healthcare, information technology, humanities, languages, social work, and skills. More than 4 thousand are offered. Training programs. Among professions in demand – networking, diverse programming (applications, games, JAVA), market analysis, COVID protection, etc. Professional Certificates will be awarded after completing Google IT Support, Cloud Management, SAS Scheduler, Cyber ​​Security Training.

– The courses on this platform are mainly in English. What to do for those who do not speak this language?

– Most of the courses are in English, but some are translated into other languages ​​or have subtitles. The Employment Service has created a special collection offering courses only in Russian or with Russian subtitles.

– In other countries, does this platform offer learning opportunities through local employment services? cooperates with countries around the world, their institutions and private companies. Lithuania has received an offer to try this program for free. Although other countries are cooperating in various ways with similar platforms, the case of Lithuania is unique in that people who register through the Employment Service can study for free, obtain certificates and the training covers a wide range of areas.

– Do you plan to offer similar learning opportunities on online platforms in the future?

– First of all, I would like to invite you to hurry up to take advantage of this opportunity to study for free through this platform by registering through the Employment Service before September 30. The training must be completed before December 31st.

There are currently no specific cooperation agreements in the Employment Service business plans, but this example has shown that Employment Service clients want new forms of training, seek opportunities to improve in their free time and employers are often interested In presenting this training opportunity to your employees. as one of the proposed in-service training options.
