A positive coronavirus test was received in Taurage on Wednesday night. The disease was diagnosed by a former employee of the Tauragė State Tax Inspectorate (STI) belonging to the age group 40 to 50 years. The woman left the ITS on August 3.

Jolanta Norbutienė, a senior specialist in the Infectious Disease Management Division of the National Center for Public Health, told Tauragė Courier that a sample was taken from the nasopharynx of a feverish woman on Monday.

– Today the woman does not have a fever, but to avoid possible complications she went to the Vilnius Santara clinics. In the past, you have had a hard time healing from lung disease. I know the patient’s condition is stable for this minute. We are conducting an epidemiological study. To date, we have identified more than 20 people in close contact. We are in constant communication with them. It will soon be decided who will be assigned isolation. Virus samples were taken from female members of the family. They were also instructed to isolate themselves, – spoke J.Norbutienė on Thursday morning.

The sick Tauragiškės worked in the Tauragė section of the State Tax Inspectorate until 3 August. Subsequently, without feeling any symptoms of the disease, the woman wrote a request for dismissal. The woman says she has not communicated with clients. All close contacts are with STI specialists. After receiving a positive COVID-19 response, the ITS facilities were disinfected. The State Tax Inspectorate reports that the Tauragė branch located at J.Tumo-Vaižganto str. 116, and the Klaipėda branch located at H. Manto str. 2/2, employees are isolated. Information on the infected person and those in close contact has been provided to the National Center for Public Health.

According to J. Norbutienė, this is already the 11th case of coronavirus in Tauragė and the 20th case in Taurag condado County. Doctors advise residents to be vigilant and wear masks and avoid heavy gatherings.