The dust has clarified the order in which COVID-19 can be vaccinated out of order


The order, which takes effect on Wednesday, states that priority groups must be vaccinated in shifts, starting with the highest, and the next vaccination can only be started if it is ensured that the available stocks are sufficient to vaccinate the highest priority people. .

It is also possible to move to the people on the following list when “for objective reasons it is not possible to vaccinate in time all the people in the priority group mentioned above and a delay in switching to another priority group would be irrational and unjustified”.

The procedure stipulates that if it is not possible to vaccinate people on the reserve list with the remaining diluted doses of the vaccine during its validity period, the institutions must consume all the diluted doses for people in the lower priority group already they are at the vaccination site or they can get there urgently.

The requirement to establish reserve and vaccinated lists is also included. They must be approved by the head of the medical institution, who is responsible for their compliance with the priority groups. These lists will be made available to employee representatives to protect the interests of employees.

The order also establishes that for the violation of the provisions of the description, the responsibility established by the legal acts for the violation of the legal acts that regulate the prevention of human infectious diseases applies.

According to data from the Department of Statistics, more than 27 thousand people. Priority groups are currently being vaccinated: physicians, high-risk patients, residents, and nursing and care facility personnel.

Following the introduction of coronavirus vaccination in Lithuania, there have been reports in the media of cases where unauthorized doctors or medical professionals have been vaccinated according to the established order of precedence. The Health Ministry and law enforcement officials say they will clear up these cases.
