The duration of the quarantine will be determined by the Mons themselves


Photo by Judita Grigelyts (V)

The new government, in its first meeting yesterday, will quarantine until January 31 and will tighten the restrictions. In the first place, the objective is to minimize contacts, experts believe that this measure has been effective in other countries.

It may seem like a long time, but I find it best to set it up so that you don’t have to meet every week or two and quarantine yourself again, hoping that the vaccination process will start in a month and a half and maybe the situation will start to drink after. a week after we passed the new restrictions, Prime Minister Ingrida imonyt said.

He only regretted that the new measures had to be taken just before the big anniversary, but at the same time he called for public awareness, asking for an approach now so that the situation can start drinking as soon as possible and the quarantine can be lifted.

Again, as in the first half of the year, during the first quarantine, all non-food stores and markets were opened, as well as supermarkets. However, the sale of food will be allowed in markets and other public outlets. Pharmacy, veterinary, optical and orthopedic stores will also remain open.

In stores that are not prohibited, 10 square meters M. m of commercial space per visitor or no more than one person at a time.

Dentists will be able to work, but beauty salons and hair salons will have to close, confirmed Prime Minister Rasa Jakilaitien’s representative. All contact services, with some exceptions, must be suspended and individual sports training with a coach will only be possible.

From December 15 to January 3, people are prohibited from traveling to the territory of the municipality of their place of residence, except in the event of death due to the death of a close relative or work in another municipality, or for necessary medical assistance.

Tighter Contacts: Close contacts with more than one family or household are prohibited, as is only assistance from one household.

It is also forbidden to move inside or outside the municipality of the place of residence due to unnecessary access. It is forbidden to leave the place of residence, except when working, in a place of commerce.

At the government meeting, a discussion arose on whether it was not necessary to determine the distance from the place of residence for companies to move within the limits of their municipality. Silyta can be projected from 500 m to 5 km away. But after discussion it was decided not to.

After all, we don’t lead curfew or anything like that, we have to set such strict mobility requirements and restrictions. Here we will limit ourselves to the limits of the municipality, – emphasized at the meeting Arvydas Anuauskas, Minister of Search Security.

Professor Vytautas Kasiuleviius, Counting: With the number of new COVID-19 cases increasing by 3,000 per day, there is currently an additional shortage of 500,700 active treatment beds and 5,070 intensive care beds. Now the red light is on across the country, so there can be no delay for n days.

According to him, in three or four weeks we have to get the number of cases to start measuring.

Experts note that the slow picture of the pandemic does not yet give hope that we will see a curve in the near future. According to the prime minister, control of the management of the pandemic was lost when 200 cases were recorded per day.

In V’s view, the reason it was lost is probably not an unequivocal answer, but there are still some doubts about the activities of the previous government, which was too relaxed after the first wave, did not subscribe to the second wave of the pandemic, etc. The rather long vacation of the then Health Minister Aurelijus Veryga also seems strange, not to mention the necessary limit restrictions that the government of Saulius Skvernelis avoided as the number of illnesses increased dramatically.

It’s no secret that you won’t always be disciplined. There are two days left for the stricter measures to come into force, and will they also be used to market supermarkets, as was the case over the weekend? Looking at the example of such shoppers, it seemed that the mons were naked and barefoot until now, they had absolutely nothing, so on Saturdays and Sundays there was a rush to move to the stores and buy as many household items and clothes as possible .

We will now live under stricter quarantine conditions, but the most important condition remains the awareness, understanding and focus of the company. It will be difficult for both business and companies, especially in a psychological sense, but hardly anyone else has any points now.

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