The drunk driver on the streets of Vilnius did not immediately attract the attention of the police.


Fortunately, although there was a drunk, the driver did not cause the accident and then, being stopped by police officers, obeyed their demands. And then it turned out that Vladimir Ostrouch from Vilnius, who had previously lost the right to drive due to alcohol intoxication, inflated 2.68 avg for the first time and 2.51 avg for the second time. alcohol.

But even realizing that he posed a threat not only to himself and his girlfriend, but also to other road users, the driver still tried to avoid responsibility: for registering a slight degree of drunkenness or not recording at all, V Ostrouch offered the officials a bribe of 500 euros.

Mr. Ostrouch was prosecuted and was detained for a day for driving a vehicle while intoxicated and trying to bribe police officers. Sober, he already regretted his irresponsible behavior. She also applied for dismissal at the Vilnius City District Court when Judge Mindaugas Ražanskas was hearing a case against her husband.

Regardless of repentance, no offender can be acquitted: the court has declared that the fairest punishment for Ostrouch, who has already been convicted, will be arrest. However, on one condition: the judge gave the man another chance: if he did not commit new crimes within a year and complied with the law, he would not have to serve the 59-day arrest sentence.

During the suspension of the sentence, the court sentenced the convicted person to intensive supervision, forced V. Ostrouch to work and register with the Employment Service if he did not work or lose his job, and not to leave the house from 10 p.m. to 6 a.m. hours. , if it was not related to work or study outside the city without the permission of the institution that supervises the convicted person, not to use psychoactive substances.

In addition, the court prohibited V. Ostrouch from sitting behind the wheel of the car for four years and was ordered to pay 5,000. Eur – This is how the Mercedes Benz car was praised, which was caught driving while intoxicated.

“Driving under the influence of alcohol is one of the most serious violations of the law, and represents a particularly serious threat to the most important values ​​protected by criminal law: health and human life,” said Judge Ražanskas, who ruled sentence. .

The drunk driver on the streets of Vilnius did not immediately attract the attention of the police.

© Telsiai aps. VPK

According to the data of the case, it was established that on the night of March 8, a Mercedes Benz driven by V. Ostrouch was warned by a Vilnius resident, who later communicated it to the emergency telephone number of General 112.

“While driving from the” Švaros broliai “car wash, located on Justiniški calle street, a black Mercedes Mercedes car came out of the waiting room, the driver of whom I had to pass, stopped me and drove first,” the woman said. – So the driver of this car got on the grass and just hung the pole. After that, the driver of the Mercedes Benz stopped and stood for a while. Such driving made me suspicious, so I approached another lane next to that car from the driver’s side to see who was driving. He didn’t know what happened to the driver; I would have considered that maybe he might have a health problem and need help, but when I saw the driver, I realized he was drunk. I immediately reported this to the General Helpline. The operator asked me if he could lead a drunk driver from behind and inform me of the direction of this movement. I agreed. Then Mercedes Benz drove to the kebab in the Pašilaičiai district, where a woman got out of the front passenger seat. He ordered food at the kebab and the drunk driver remained in his place but soon opened the driver’s door from can to can.

According to the woman, she waited about 10 minutes on the kebab before the order was fulfilled.

“While waiting, I was called by a policeman who indicated that the crew was already nearby and verified the whereabouts of the drunk driver, and also asked to be informed as soon as the drunk driver left the scene,” said the witness. – As soon as the Mercedes Benz car started, I immediately contacted a police officer and he told me which direction the car was heading. I drove behind him and saw the police officers stop this car on Žemynos street. I also stopped, approached the police officers, who confirmed that it was the same car and the same driver that I reported to the General Help Line ”.

The witness said the driver was obviously intoxicated as he swayed heavily while walking and leaning on the car.

Associative photo

Associative photo

© DELFI / Domantas Pipas

The woman was right: When officers checked the driver’s intoxication, he inflated 2.68 prom for the first time on the breathalyzer. alcohol, and for the second time 2.51 avg.

But that was not the end: driving while intoxicated V. Ostrouch decided that by giving money to officials he could avoid criminal liability.

“When we stopped the car and approached the driver, we had no doubt that the driver was drunk – his speech was incoherent, his eyes were red, his face was red and there was a strong smell of alcohol from the driver of the car,” he added. the official said. – When asked if he drank alcohol, the driver of the car answered affirmatively and also admitted that he had no right to drive vehicles. We decided to control his intoxication, but before the first control, the driver, being in the official car, constantly offered to reach an agreement, in absentia, hinted at a bribe, letting him know that he would give me the money if he was released. When the driver of the car explained that there was criminal liability for offering and giving a bribe to a police officer, the driver of the car did not respond to the warnings and once said in Russian that he could give the officer money. car.

Later, sitting in a place reserved for detainees and trying to check the alcohol meter, the driver again offered to agree and not capture the intoxication; While sitting in a company car and filling out documents, the driver offered me and my partner 500 euros. He was then informed that he was detained not only for driving while intoxicated, but also for offering a bribe to an official. “

That the driver himself, V. Ostrouch, did not deny that he was driving under the influence of alcohol and offered a bribe to the officials. In court, he explained that he had met the girl on March 8, had drunk four cans of beer.

“But I still decided to drive a car that belongs to my friend,” he said. “When they arrested me, I offered money to the police because I didn’t know what I was doing when I was intoxicated.”

The man said he rarely drinks alcohol, only on vacation, and that he is not intoxicated at the wheel.

“I couldn’t drink for a couple of years,” Ostrouch explained.

The officers who prosecuted the drunk driver provided the court with videos showing how he offered them a bribe. When the officers put Mr. Ostrouch into his official car, the driver repeatedly asked the police officer if anything could be done, but the police officer replied in the negative.

The driver was not satisfied with this answer, so he did not calm down: “Well done.” And a little later, when he had not finished blowing into the alcohol meter, he kept asking the police to “make a minimum or mark that it did not inflate.”

Mindaugas Ražanskas

Mindaugas Ražanskas

© DELFI / Domantas Pipas

“Another video shows a man sitting behind a glass partition in the back of a police service car, a police officer getting into the car,” the court video quoted the court as saying. – The man still asks for an agreement, offers money, but does not mention the amounts and asks again if there is a possibility of reaching an agreement. When the second policeman gets into the car, the man offers money again, the policeman responds that there is a risk of criminal liability for it, but the man keeps trying to negotiate and the policeman keeps repeating that no agreement can be reached. reached. The man then says that he is giving 500 euros, and when the policeman warns that it is an attempt at bribery, the man replies that he will know. “

The girl who was driving with Ostrouch at the time claimed that although she realized her friend was drunk, “she seemed normal so I didn’t think she might be drunk and unable to drive.”

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