The dream of having children is still unbeatable for some couples: calculate how much assisted reproduction costs


“Most troubled couples have children using prescribed medical treatment, surgical procedures, or simpler medical procedures. Some of the funded treatment is sufficient. However, some couples have to go to specialized fertility centers for reproductive procedures. assisted, then visit a doctor for a few years and some simply drop their hand. This last decision is often made by couples due to excessive economic costs, “says the head of the Fertility Association in the message sent.

A couple who cannot conceive or deliver a baby while having an active sex life for more than a year is considered infertile.

The state reimburses only two procedures

According to R. Vyšniauskaitė-Marcinkevičienė, the state only compensates for one of the two ways of solving infertility problems.

“For couples who meet the established criteria, the state reimburses two cycles of assisted reproduction, that is, assisted reproduction (IVF), basic tests, required basic medication and follow-up of the course of treatment. However, thanks to a patient survey conducted by a psychologist from our association, we learned that even for couples using public funds, an assisted reproduction cycle can cost an additional € 300 to € 2,500. A cheaper procedure for intrauterine insemination, in which specially prepared male semen is injected directly into a woman’s uterus (IUI), is not reimbursed by the state and can cost between € 210 and € 350. However, for each couple, the total amount can be much higher, depending on the amount of medication the woman needs and, of course, how many procedures the couple will need for the procedures, ”says the director of the Fertility Association.

It can cost several years of savings

However, according to the head of the association, the assisted reproduction procedure is effective in 30-40%. couples, which means that there are multiple couples who will not need two reimbursed IVF procedures to have a child.

“The price of the assisted in vitro fertilization procedure, according to the price lists of the fertility clinics, is 2500-2800 euros, but it is only the price of the procedure. Medicines, additional tests, monitoring the course of treatment account for almost the same amount, so the total amount can reach 4,000 euros, and sometimes even more. Unfortunately, according to a survey of families who attend psychological support groups organized by the association, around 1 in 20 couples cannot pay for unfunded procedures and are forced to temporarily suspend or even suspend treatment due to lack of funds ” , laments the interlocutor.

A representative survey conducted by Norstat on behalf of 4finance last October showed that people typically borrow up to € 1,000 (19%) for health services. 7 percent. respondents borrowed more, up to 5,000 euros and 3 percent. respondents – more than 5,000 euros. And only 16% of non-borrowers. choose health credit. According to G. Štuopė, this shows that people tend to accumulate health services mainly with their own funds, sometimes they do not know where to borrow or are ashamed to do so.

According to the company’s manager, Giedrė Štuopė, couples in Lithuania remain reluctant to borrow for fertility services. “We note that people are still hesitant to admit and borrow for assisted reproductive procedures, although, for example, Lithuanians borrow more courageously for dental treatments or other health services. The assisted reproduction procedure should be equally important, and in case of fertility problems, time is especially expensive ”, says G. Štuopė.

Emotional support is no less important

R. Vyšniauskaitė-Marcinkevičienė adds that it is important to keep in mind that when treating infertility, it is impossible to foresee all the steps to follow, so it is better to think only about the stage in which the couple is currently.

“Of course, it is no less important to believe that the next stage will not be necessary. No one can say exactly how long the treatment will last or how much it will cost. And to dream of having children longer than expected, it is very important to remember that you are not alone in being able to be heard. Many times it is necessary for couples to seek emotional help, consult a psychologist or couples who have similar experiences ”, says the specialist.

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