The draft Association Law has been registered in the Seimas


The amendments were registered by the president of the Seimas, the leader of the Liberal Movement Viktorija Čmilytė-Nielsen, the president of the Freedom Party Aušrinė Armonaitė, the leader of the Lithuanian Christian Homeland-Democratic Union (TS-LKD) Gabrielius Landsbergis.

In addition, Prime Minister Ingrida Šimonytė, her colleague in the conservative faction Andrius Navickas, representatives of the Freedom Party Tomas Vytautas Raskevičius and Ieva Pakarklytė and the elder of the Liberal Movement faction Seimas Eugenijus Gentvilas.

The firm also had the help of the major of the Social Democratic faction of the Seimas, Algirdas Sysas.

The proposed project defines a partnership as an “officially registered act of coexistence between two people, with the aim of establishing, developing, protecting a relationship based on constant emotional attachment, mutual understanding, responsibility, assistance, respect and / or similar relationships and determination to assume certain rights and responsibilities ”.

The law should regulate the patrimonial and non-patrimonial relationships of single people who live together.

The drafters of the amendments note that the amendments address the following practical problems of cohabiting couples:

  • the possibility of recognizing partial co-ownership or, if necessary, establishing a different and mutually satisfactory legal regime for co-ownership;
  • allowed to inherit without additional fees;
  • certain personal obligations of the partner are created, that is, respect, loyalty, obligation of maintenance of the partner in case of termination of the partnership;
  • it is allowed to choose a partner or use a common surname;
  • the ability to authorize to act on behalf and interests of others;
  • the opportunity to represent a partner in the healthcare field;
  • the right to receive information related to the member’s health;
  • the possibility of not testifying against each other in court, etc.

According to the president of the Seimas V.Čmilytė-Nielsen, the regulation of the institute of associations will also bring benefits to couples of different genders.

“About 600 thousand people live in Lithuania. Single adults, many of them hope that politicians will realize the expectations created 20 years ago, when the association institute was provided for in the Civil Code.

Today we continue the work started in 2017 with the presentation of the draft that governs the alliance. That is why we work constantly.

My position is clear: we will not have a full-fledged society if we stigmatize its individual groups. He is shortsighted and morally irresponsible.

No new rights granted to people who currently do not have them will reduce the rights of the remaining people.

I believe that we have been prepared for these changes for a long time and we will become the 21st country in the European Union that has regulated the association, ”the report quoted the media as saying.

According to A. Armonaitė, the president of the Freedom Party, part of society has been marginalized for too long, and the adoption of the Associations Law may change this.

“We fight for equality before the law, dignity and equality for all couples, including LGBT people. As a result, together with our partners, we are embracing what we promised: solutions to problems that have been ignored for decades, so that all Lithuanian citizens are accepted, regardless of who they are and what they love.

We are taking the initiative and hope that Lithuania will finally join the club of all countries that guarantee the rights of their citizens, and the Association Law will not only implement important legal changes, but will also show that we can accept diversity in Lithuania and that nobody deserves it. being pushed to the margins has been too long, ”commented the president of the Freedom Party.

The association law is not an invention of Lithuania: in states that were not affected by communist totalitarianism, such laws appeared decades ago, emphasized the representative of the TS-LKD in the Seimas A.Navickas.

“It is a law that complies with Western human rights standards and allows us to be between countries like Germany, France, Italy, Ireland, Great Britain, not Russia or Belarus. Concern for all people, regardless of nationality, religious beliefs, or sexual orientation, is a sign that the post-communist period of fighting inherited demons is over.

Although the bill was based on the German experience, we did not blindly copy anything, instead we looked for the option that best suits Lithuania here and now.

“We have managed to agree on a moderate project that does not completely interfere with the provisions of the Constitution, does not change the concepts of family or marriage, but simply provides an opportunity to live in a more secure, defined and dignified way to those couples who do not want or he cannot assume marital obligations, “he said.
