The doctor warns of frozen hands and feet: he is a prophet of serious illness


According to the doctor, the limbs of a healthy person are warm, but they can begin to cool down due to several factors. This can be caused by inappropriate clothing and footwear, colder weather, or diet. However, sometimes frozen limbs can also warn of serious illness.

“The hands and feet get cold because the arteries narrow and less blood enters the extremities. If the legs and arms freeze constantly and without explanatory reasons, it can be a sign of health problems, ”says I. Ašakienė.

You may lose your ability to work

According to the doctor, even in a completely healthy person, when the ambient temperature drops, the limbs begin to cool. This is due to decreased human peripheral blood flow, lower extremity temperature, and a small amount of muscle and fat tissue in the fingers and toes. However, it is important to note that other worrisome symptoms do not occur with frozen limbs.

“If the extremities of the body have been cold for a long time and the state of health is not deteriorating, it is not a disease and no treatment is needed.” However, if your cold is accompanied by other symptoms such as injuries, pain, sudden bruising, or comorbid conditions such as atherosclerosis of the arteries in your legs or blood pressure problems, you should contact your doctor or vascular surgeon immediately. These diseases, which have not been treated for a long time, can lead to the loss of the ability to work ”, reveals I. Ašakienė, a sad prognosis.

Cold hands

Frozen limbs are a prophet of disease

According to the doctor, frozen limbs can warn of serious diseases, so you should not guess.

“One of the most common diseases that cold extremities warn about is diabetes. With it, the peripheral blood flow deteriorates and the extremities get cold. Constantly frozen feet are one of the symptoms of atherosclerosis. Colds, among other factors, especially smoking, can cause this disease. The progress of the disease and the need to see a doctor as soon as possible are signaled by leg fatigue, intermittent lameness, and pain when walking.

The extremities, even on the hottest day of summer, freeze in patients with hypothyroidism – thyroid insufficiency. Due to the lack of thyroid hormones in the human body, everything begins to slow down: the pulse, metabolism, blood circulation, and the activity of the intestinal and nervous systems. As a result, the patient becomes sluggish, obese, and his intellectual capacity decreases.

Often in daily practice, doctors face anemia, also known as anemia. Anemia is usually caused by a lack of iron in the body. In addition to frozen limbs, anemia patients also complain of general weakness, chronic fatigue, loss of appetite, pale skin, shortness of breath, “flies” in the eyes, “says the doctor.

What research needs to be done?

The doctor says that to determine the causes of colds in the extremities, a detailed diagnosis of the body is first carried out: general blood, thyroid hormones, vascular ultrasound and other tests that help to identify the suspected disease.

“In all cases, the underlying disease is treated. Patients can rehydrate as needed, receive micronutrients, circulatory medications, vitamins, and adjust through the thyroid or other internal glands.

If the legs become swollen and cold, diuretics are also needed to promote urine excretion, as well as to improve heart function. If the legs and arms get cold, the body’s immune system is strengthened, ”says I. Ašakienė.

Lack of vitamins and minerals.

According to the doctor, another reason that can cause colds in the extremities is the lack of vitamins and trace elements in the body. The temperature of the extremities can be affected by a lack of iron, vitamin B3, B12. Your doctor will recommend that you take these vitamins and minerals with food.

“Iron deficiency can cause anemia. Blood tests should be done because one of the signs of anemia is frostbite of the limbs. In the absence of this trace element, you should supplement your diet with spinach, beets, pomegranates, leafy greens, beef, and, if necessary, take supplements containing iron.

Vitamins B12 and B3 are also associated with frostbite of the limbs, and their increased deficiency can gradually lead to serious health problems. To supplement the body with these vitamins, use buckwheat grains, peas, whole wheat bread, sunflower seeds.

Vitamin B12 deficiency is also a cause of anemia and, with it, cold hands and feet. Therefore, to maintain the necessary amount of this vitamin, supplement your diet with eggs, meat or poultry ”, advises the doctor.

Useful foods

I. Ašakienė points out that the amount of magnesium is also important for the body. Its deficiency can also cause cold in the hands and feet. It is recommended to take up to 300 mg of magnesium a day for women and up to 400 mg of magnesium a day for men. Those who exercise may need more magnesium because sweat removes magnesium and other minerals from the body.

“To make sure your body has enough magnesium, include all kinds of nuts, whole grains, spinach and beet greens in your diet, as well as fish like cod or mackerel,” says the surgeon.

How to reduce hand and foot colds?

According to the doctor, the most common cause of coldness in the extremities, especially in the hands, is fatigue and stress. Therefore, in case of frostbite of a limb, the first step should be to balance work and rest regimen, diet, and find ways to relax. He also shared some more practical tips:

Adjust your diet, include healthy fats in your diet. A contrast shower is also worth trying. Direct the stream from the feet to the groin at first with hot water and then with cold water 4-7 times.

Give up harmful habits such as alcohol consumption or smoking, as nicotine impairs blood circulation and normal blood clotting. It is also important to exercise more, because exercise improves blood circulation, which is especially beneficial for people with low blood pressure.

Remember to drink fluids, as fluid deficiency also slows blood flow. Water flavored with cucumber or lemon slices is perfect. “
