the doctor told me what happened, the vaccine does not link the accident


“The man arrived healthy, he fulfilled all the necessary consents, he did not complain, there were no signs that he could be ill. He was revaccinated with the second dose of Moderna, the first in March. After vaccination, the person sat for the appropriate amount of time, dressed, and immediately sat back in the locker room. It weakened.

An ambulance was called and resuscitation was already needed. The old man was revived on the spot for about an hour and a half, but without effect, ”said L. Venckienė, the chief physician of the Klaipėda City Polyclinic.

According to her, the death of a person is not associated with vaccination, the elderly person has had various health problems, but has not visited a medical institution for several years.

“No, it’s not about the vaccine. I can’t say until the study is over, but based on clinical signs, it’s not an anaphylactic reaction or associated with thromboembolic complications. The person has had a stroke and there are multiple lesions .. Recently, for at least a few years, he has not visited the polyclinic, ”noted L. Venckienė.

On Tuesday, a total of 620 older adults were vaccinated at the Klaipeda City Polyclinic, most of whom received the Pfizer vaccine.

We remind you that a similar disaster occurred in Panevėžys in early March. An 80-year-old woman from Panevėžys felt ill a few minutes after receiving the Pfizer-BioNTech vaccine. The woman did not survive. According to the doctors, the Panevėžys resident had health problems and did not associate death with the vaccine, because the vaccine reaction could not have such a sudden effect.

In late February, immediately after vaccination, the first dose of AstraZeneca died in 77-year-old Pasvalys. The person had concomitant cardiovascular disease. The man is said to have suffered a sudden cardiac death. It was not associated with vaccination. Read more about it here.
