The doctor remains in prison for life, the door to freedom was slammed by a court


The risk of recidivism remains moderate

The administration of the Pravieniškės Correctional Institution submitted an application to the Kaunas Regional Court to release H. Daktars, who has the nickname Henytė in the criminal world.

The letter addressed to the court mentions that H. Daktar, currently 63 years old, works in a carpentry shop, violated the established procedure three times during his incarceration and was promoted 13 times, and is currently compensating the sentenced claim.

According to a spokesman for the prison, the risk of a moderate repeat offender is currently reduced by 8 points during the year, from 88 to 80 under the OASys system. Even half of them, 40 points, are dynamic indicators that the convict himself can change with his good behavior.

The court received a letter from H. Daktar’s mother, Jadvyga Daktarienė, in which she stated that she would give the freed son a job in the “Ramunė” shop that she ran and that she would accept him to live with her in her home. This is H. Doctor’s second request that he be sentenced to a fixed prison term and given hope of his release.

Doctor Henrik

Doctor Henrik

© DELFI / Mindaugas Ažušilis

According to the Kaunas Regional Court, there is no legal basis to mitigate the sentence imposed on H. Daktar. One of these reasons is that he has been convicted of a series of very serious crimes, he has been convicted more than once in the past and the offender has been able to stay for a short time.

According to data from social research, the convict himself tends to look for ways to justify himself, so it cannot be said that he is willing to pursue his goals only in a lawful way.

According to the Kaunas Regional Court, which examined the application and rejected it, the substitution of life imprisonment for a prison sentence is an exception, which is applied only in exceptional cases when there is no doubt that the convicted person has fully recovered and will not commit a crime. crime in the future.

The request for commutation of the sentence was rejected by the prosecutor

This time, new data about Henytė’s work was presented to the court, receiving much encouragement and praise, participating in the Bible study program.

His lawyer, Vytautas Sirvydis, emphasized that H. Daktaras had radically changed at Christmas, so he must be hopeful of getting out. The lawyer asked the court to give Henyte a statutory minimum sentence of 5 years in prison, after which he could be released. The maximum prison sentence that can be imposed on a person sentenced to life imprisonment is 10 years.

Prosecutor Gintautas Tamulionis objected to the commutation of H. Daktar. He mentioned that the prisoner has not yet fully recovered, he still does not admit his guilt.

As a result, there is no objective reason to believe that the risk to society has been reduced to such an extent that the legal benefit can be applied. Doubts also arise as to whether the principles of justice and the public interest will not be violated.

Henrikas Daktaras, Kaunas Regional Court hearing

Henrikas Daktaras, Kaunas Regional Court hearing

© DELFI / Nerijus Povilaitis

H. Two chaplains were with the doctor

When the court asked H. Daktar for the second time to replace his life imprisonment and his life imprisonment for a fixed period, not even two chaplains working in the prisons pardoned the infamous Kaunas resident from 5 to 10 years in prison.

“I have known H. Doctor since 2019, I meet him once a month. At first he gave the impression of having a strong personality, seeking the truth. He wasn’t always on time, sometimes he was late for work.
We have seen their attitudes towards society change. S t. Scripture teaches that a person must be obedient to the authorities, which causes difficulties with representatives of the criminal world. His attitude towards society, towards power is changing. In personal consultations, he mentioned that he would never do what he was in the past, “said Kęstutis Kulakauskas, director of the Lithuanian Association of Chaplains.

Rimvydas Žilinskas (Taisonas) and Henrikas Daktaras (Henytė)

Rimvydas Žilinskas (Taisonas) and Henrikas Daktaras (Henytė)

© Stock Photo

The clergyman mentioned that Henytė, who was imprisoned behind bars, not only pays close attention to Bible studies, but also invites other prisoners. The chaplain in communication with H. Doctor, pastor of the Baptist community Tomas Bartkus, said that he had known the prisoner for about a year and a half and communicates once a week.

“A morally and spiritually strong person, interested in world events, survives the Covid-19 wave that has hit the whole world. I have discovered that he loves his family very much. His love for family and God are the fundamental values ​​of de for life, “said Chaplain T. Bartkus in court and asked to comply with a request for suspension of the custodial sentence.

The doctor remains in prison for life, the door to freedom was slammed by a court

© DELFI / Šarūnas Mažeika

H. Doctor admitted that not only he, but also his family suffers from the mistakes of the past

The chaplain said that Henytė not only loves her family very much, but is also ready to return to society and integrate into it.

The Doctor himself told the court that he would change his lifestyle once he had a chance to be released.

“If a respected court gave me hope of being released, I would go to school. It is never too late to do so. Looking back now, I am very sorry that I lived such a life. Not only me, but also my mother, wife, children. and 83-year-old grandchildren suffer as a result. Whatever decision a respected court makes, I believe this decision will be correct, “said H. Daktaras, who attended the hearing remotely.

Doctor Henrik

Doctor Henrik

© DELFI / Dainius Sinkevičius

He called himself sick and old

Instead of imprisonment until the end of his life, he was sentenced to a fixed prison term, after which it would be possible to board a ship. H. Doctor also asked the court in late 2019.

This time, a prisoner who attended a court hearing remotely tried to insult the court both because of his age and his health problems.

“Please calculate my age, it will soon be 62. Until I was 60 years old I thought I was immortal, but diseases passed me one after another, I had a stroke. Now I am an old and sick person. Soon I will be 62 years old, who needs me, fades away, it is time to die. I walk here, I limp, ”Henytė said. His lawyers provided data that H. Daktar, in fact, has been diagnosed with various diseases: glaucoma, cardiovascular pathology, as a result of which a partial work capacity has been established.

The doctor remains in prison for life, the door to freedom was slammed by a court

© DELFI / Valdas Kopūstas

Ignore the “rules” of criminals, began to work behind bars

In late 2019, when examining the request of the Kaunas Regional Court doctor, an important circumstance became apparent: Kaunas, once called the “authority” of the criminal world, began to ignore the “traditions” of criminals.

The court received information that Henytė works in a correctional home in a wood processing workshop. According to the provisions of the prisoners’ subculture, the so-called “paniatkas”, criminals who respect themselves and, moreover, their leaders, cannot do any work.

“The very fact that a person works in a custodial institution already means that they do not support the subculture. According to her, Vytautas Sirvydis, a lawyer, said that it is disrespectful to work according to him, and especially with “authority”, this is how H. Daktaras presents himself in the media.

Henrik Doctor arrested in Bulgaria (photo by Bulgarian police)

Henrik Doctor arrested in Bulgaria (photo by Bulgarian police)

© Photo of the Bulgarian police

The prisoner is not bored: weaves, carves, creates poems

From the material provided by the lawyers, it is possible to form an opinion that the Kaunas mobster, imprisoned for life for many crimes, has changed beyond recognition. It seems that Henytė does not spend time behind bars, he found new activities and hobbies here.

The documents presented by the defenders note that H. Daktaras participated in a poetry contest, knitted scarves, printed Easter eggs, twice participated in the most beautifully decorated camera contests, as well as the “battle” of convicts and won first place.

The famous prisoner also wove knitwear for babies in charge of the crisis center, received a letter from the apostolic nunciature, made wooden Easter decorations, attended Carito’s course, played table tennis and took the Constitution test. And currently Henytė participates in the biblical study program of the public institution “Visit the Prisoner”.

Henrik Doctor was arrested in Bulgaria

Henrik Doctor was arrested in Bulgaria

© Photo of the Bulgarian police

He was repeatedly asked to commute his sentence.

In December 2019, the Kaunas Regional Court rejected the provision of the correctional facility and ruled that at that time there were no grounds to commute H. Daktar’s sentence.

The court determined that the convicted man’s conduct in the penitentiary is not flawless, and he himself, even more than 20 years after the very serious crimes for which he is serving his sentence, does not admit his guilt and considers himself sentenced too harshly.

H. Daktaras was convicted by the Klaipėda Regional Court in June 2013 for running a criminal association in 1993-2000. It was claimed that its participants were armed with explosives and explosives, firearms used and planned to commit crimes: murder, extortion, robbery.

The doctor remains in prison for life, the door to freedom was slammed by a court

© Stock Photo

H. Doctor earlier this year addressed the Klaipėda Regional Court, later the Court of Appeal, requesting a commutation of his sentence. These courts later dismissed their complaints.

The start of Henytė’s imprisonment is considered to be the year 2009, but the time spent in prison according to the previous convictions of the Vilnius Regional Court of February 1997 and December 2006 is also included in the punishment.

A doctor had been arrested by a court in December 2008, but went into hiding and was arrested in the fall of 2009 in Varna, Bulgaria.

Henrik Daktaras (left)

Henrik Daktaras (left)

© Stopkadras

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