The doctor mentioned which people had the highest risk of developing skin cancer.


However, sensitivity to sunlight also depends on your skin type. “For example, people with a darker physical state, those who immediately” tan “after being in the sun, the risk is lower for them.

But people with very light skin, redheads, scum: these people have the highest risk of developing various skin cancers, melanoma, the damage is greater, ”said Matilda Bylaitė-Bučinskienė, dermatovenerologist and professor of the Ryto espresso program at the University from Vilnius. .

The specialist advised to forget the hobby of sunbathing, since it is done deliberately to damage the state of the skin and health in general.

The sunburn season has begun

Of course, solar heat also has positive properties. According to M.Bylaitė-Bučinskienė, the summer climate is favorable for the emotional well-being of a person. Sunlight stimulates a person, it is more energetic, easier to rest, there is a better mood.

“The sun relaxes. Not surprisingly, warm weather is associated with holidays. We know that the skin produces vitamin D in the sun, but in fact the skin is only capable of producing a limited amount of this vitamin ”, explained the doctor.

The specialist encourages you to enjoy the sun in moderation, because too many rays can also have a detrimental effect.

“The sun is quite active. We experienced that last weekend. In fact, many patients applied sunburns, or when we examined them for other diseases, we saw that the burns were so severe that the skin peeled off, ”said M.Bylaitė-Bučinskienė.

What diseases are at risk?

According to her, too much sunlight on unprotected skin can cause only temporary damage, but also long-term damage: after 10-20 years, various benign derivatives of the skin can appear. In the elderly, sunbathing too often can lead to actinic keratosis.

One of the most common skin cancers is basal cell carcinoma. “It just came to our knowledge then. Water sports are popular in Lithuania. We can already see that younger people can get this basiloma as well,” said M. Bylaitė-Bučinskienė.

However, according to the doctor, the biggest concern of doctors is melanoma.

“A dermatologist feels a duty and a desire not to see this cancer. It’s pretty insidious, it doesn’t always seem so bad. Most cancers are not painful. A person does not feel anything and if it is not noticed, they do not see the appearance of a darker spot, a changed mole or a dark formation that grows suddenly ”, expressed the worried doctor.

M.Bylaitė-Bučinskienė emphasized that it is necessary to protect the eyes from direct sunlight. And dark glasses, he says, aren’t just a style detail, they protect against premature aging and eye damage.

The risk depends on the type of skin.

According to the doctor, the skin usually suffers from the sun during childhood, adolescence, early youth (up to 25 years).

“In the past, young people spent a lot of time outdoors. Falling asleep, waking up, sitting statistically, playing chess … in which case the person is more disappointed, the skin burns more. Burns are dangerous in the case melanoma. The risk of it occurring is increasing, “said M.Bylaitė-Bučinskaitė.

A person who stays in the sun for a long time feels burning, stinging. According to the specialist, sunlight not only “dries” acne, which people enjoy, but also weakens the immune system.

According to the doctor, the skin has a kind of “memory”. Make your wounds pile up, eventually contract the disease.

However, sensitivity to sunlight also depends on your skin type. “For example, people with a darker physical state, those who immediately” tan “after being in the sun, the risk is lower for them.

But people with very light skin, redheads, scum – these people have the highest risk of developing various skin cancers, melanoma, the damage is greater. This is because the body has less pigment, which protects against this damage, “explained M. Bylaitė-Bučinskienė.

It is not appropriate to sunbathe in the sun

The doctor noticed that more and more people take care of their health, they feel responsible for it. According to her, Lithuanians are already beginning to realize that at noon in Lithuania it is possible to suffer severe burns, and when they go to the tropics, they are especially careful.

“You should know that protective creams only protect against burns. Unfortunately, it does not prevent the long-term damage of skin cancer. If a person applies a protective cream and lies in the sun all day with the aim of tanning … What do we do then? We are fooling ourselves. In this case, we begin to adjust the clock, “warned M.Bylaitė-Bučinskienė.

The doctor said that according to the modern approach, tanning as an activity should not stop at all. The tradition of sunbathing is not old, popularized after the Second World War, along with the prevailing opinion that a good vacation only by the sea and only roaring on the beach.

M.Bylaitė-Bučinskienė recommended avoiding direct sunlight, covering yourself with a scarf and clothing on a hot day, and especially protecting yourself from the sun between 11 am and 3 pm.

“Those areas of the skin that we cannot cover should be applied with protective creams. And not weak: 15 or 20 SPF. The body would need 30 SPF, and the face, hands, and ears should also be 50. In the tropics and beyond.

The most important thing is that you do not forget. Often the cream is applied very little or unevenly, just to the nose or face. As a general rule, many relax, fall asleep in the sun. Then we have more painful consequences ”, lamented the doctor.

She suggests looking for a golden mean. There is no need to be afraid of the sun in a panic, but also to pamper yourself with its rays in moderation, without bending your cane and using protective equipment.
