The doctor made the mistake of Lithuanians who often try to lose weight: by giving up these products, we lose very important substances.


President of the Society of Nutritionists doctor nutritionist dr. In a press release, Rūta Petereit assures that with the beginning of spring and the “measurement” of the quarantine kilos, the interest in diets is only growing. The specialist warns that strict and exhausting diets have irreversible consequences for the body, but not enough is said about their damage.

According to dr. In clinical practice, R. Petereit, currently up to a third of those who turn to specialists, request emerging eating disorders. Lithuanians complain not only of diseases known as anorexia or bulimia, but also of disorders such as seizures, constant overeating, orthorexia, atypical bulimia or anorexia nervosa, eating at night. The specialist affirms that these disorders are the consequence of a strict dietary culture.

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“Today, the line between a healthy diet and a debilitating diet has begun to blur. The abandonment of certain products, severe restrictions, seems to be almost synonymous with a healthy lifestyle. If a person loses weight quickly, they receive compliments, is praised for her “determination,” “stubbornness,” or “strong will.” Unfortunately, many of these people end up in the dietitian’s office, “says Dr. LSMUL, a physician at the Kaunas Gastroenterology Clinic, and Dr. Rūta Petereit.

Diets are more restricted by women (69% of those surveyed) than by men (50%). Restricting nutrition is also popular with the youngest group of 18- to 35-year-old respondents with higher education and higher incomes, according to a survey commissioned by the bakery.

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“In my practice, I usually have to work with people who struggle with the negative consequences of dieting. It is rare that you go to counseling just because you want to balance your daily diet. 9 out of 10 patients have “followed” their diets without success and have certain health problems, or have never paid attention to them. Such appeals are especially common in the spring, when you want to “fit” into your favorite dress. However, in many cases, the dietary damage has already been done and it is not possible to offer quick solutions ”, says the specialist.

The most popular: give up carbohydrates.

According to the dietitian, keto and similar carb restrictive substances are currently the most popular. low carb) or a diet that completely abandons them. Survey data shows that Lithuanians also favor these types of diets.

Up to 43 percent. Lithuanians agree with the statement that limiting or completely abandoning carbohydrates helps with weight management. When asked about the population of our country, whose basic diet pyramids limit the amount of carbohydrates, up to 46 percent. says they give up pasta, 37 percent each. rejects bread and potatoes, 8 percent. groats, and even 18 percent. – all products listed.

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Schedule a diet study

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“The public opinion poll shows that almost half of the Lithuanian population, who at least sometimes follow diets, limit the carbohydrates we need at the base of the nutritional pyramid. Therefore, the benefits of products such as bread are questioned. , which has been the most important foundation of Lithuanian nutrition for thousands of years It is unfortunate that dietary rules that are actually based on science and clinical research are being questioned in the name of short-term fad.

However, our goal as producers is to educate the public on why we shouldn’t give up on carbohydrates. We constantly work with nutritionists and nutritionists and our goal is to help the consumer not to drastically eliminate bread products from the diet, but to make responsible decisions, ”says Indrė Švelnytė, director of marketing and communication at Gardės Bakery.

This idea is also supported by dr. Mr Petereit, today people still lack the knowledge and information about which products to choose, which ones are really worth restricting and which ones to drop, which is not at all recommended.



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“With the abandonment of carbohydrates, the weight at the expense of water and electrolytes falls very quickly, so it is not surprising that such a successful change from a ‘neighbor’ or an Instagram star motivates you to give it a try.

However, carbohydrates such as whole wheat bread or cereals are necessary for us, especially for Lithuanians. Recent research shows that in Lithuania, instead of the recommended 30 grams of fiber, we consume only 17 grams.

By giving up cereals and eating only vegetables, it is simply impossible to collect that number. In addition, carbohydrates are the energy of our body and the essential source of the central nervous system.

Abandonment of grain or starch carbohydrates, insufficient intake of vitamins and minerals, increased risk of chronic diseases, changes in hormones. Is it really worth risking a short-term result? ”, Thinks the specialist.

The most important thing is the correct choices.

According to the dietitian, people these days tend to think that it is possible to give up strictly or to eat completely freely without control. The one in the middle seems to stay. But it is the middle ground and commitment that is the most important skill to develop.



“Many of my patients say that they cannot live without bread and that I cannot take that pleasure away from them. And in fact, they are absolutely right, there really is no need to take their bread away. Today, when bread is fortified with whole wheat flour or a large part of the flour is replaced with vegetables, seeds or grains, there is really no need to ban this type of bread.

It is an enriched bread rich in fiber, protein and good fats as the basis of nutrition. We can find healthy and high-quality alternatives in all categories of foods rich in carbohydrates ”, says the nutritionist.

Manufacturers claim that today the shelves are rich in healthy products that are not inferior in nutritional value to those that our ancestors ate. On the contrary, new technologies allow you to fundamentally review your nutritional composition and choose what is good for your health without giving up your favorite products.

“Today, food producers adapt to the needs of consumers and can offer products to those who limit the amount of carbohydrates. For example, bread with vegetables is almost the biggest innovation, in the production process of which up to a third of the flour is replaced by vegetables, providing not only the necessary nutrients, but also moisture and natural sweetness.

So even if you like toast for breakfast, it doesn’t mean you should give it up, but rather you prefer to choose a healthier alternative. If 100 g of bread has at least 3 g of fiber, 12 percent. The energy value of a food product will consist of proteins and the sugar content will not exceed 5 g; it will be a nutritious product that will not differ in any way from your healthy diet, ”says I. Švelnytė.

The specialists say that the most important thing is not to assure yourself anything. It is important to properly quantify and follow a diet that you can actually follow for a lifetime. That way, it is always better to eat what you like the most, simply limiting the quantities and choosing healthier alternatives.

* A representative survey of the opinion of the Lithuanian population this year. subway. conducted by Spinter Research from April 19 to 28. 1,006 residents of the country between the ages of 18 and 75 from all over the country were surveyed.

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