The doctor answered why you should visit a dentist if you have back pain.


The pain will continue to recur if the muscles are not strengthened.

V. Dudonienė observes that today the specialty of physical therapy is very popular. This is the treatment of pain or trauma with movement.

“We had a professor who said that most drugs can be replaced by movement, but there is no drug that can change movement,” the physiotherapist recalled.

According to the interviewee, back pain is usually divided into two groups: acute and chronic. If the pain is chronic, the patient needs to work on his own body to improve the situation. And if the pain is sharp, run to the doctor.

However, the specialist emphasizes: if a person does not act on their own, the pain will reappear.

Back pain

Back pain

“If you have a lot of back pain, people usually go to a physiotherapist, a neurologist or ask for medicine in a pharmacy. But you have to solve these problems yourself. Only a physiotherapist who has relieved certain points by placing his hands cannot help with the appearance from an acute pain. The pain must be controlled by strengthening the muscles. Because if the muscles are weak, it will never solve the problem, “said V. Dudonienė.

Interestingly, pain can be caused not only by trauma, a failed lift, a shove, or the like. Likewise, pain can be psycho-emotional. In this case, there are no serious physiological changes, there are no hernias or sprains, but the back still hurts.

“There are even investigations: an autopsy is performed after the death of a person on someone who has never complained of back pain in his life, and the spine is seen to be terrible. For another who complained, after the autopsy, it turns out that there was no cause of the pain. This is psycho-emotional pain ”, explained the interlocutor.



According to V. Dudonienė, it has been observed that if a person starts a judicial process, goes to a lawsuit, is not satisfied, he also usually starts to have back pain. The more involved in the judicial process, the greater the back pain.

According to the physical therapist, most people who seek professional help experience nonspecific back pain.

“It just came to our attention then. There are a lot of symptoms, complaints, but the exact cause is unknown. I think some of these pains can be attributed to psycho-emotional pain. Of course, there will probably be both muscle imbalances such as lifting and irregular transport, but at the same time there will be dissatisfaction with work, salary and life, “said the interlocutor to the news radio program.



According to V. Dudonienė, when assessing the patient’s health, it is very important to inspect the posture and inclination of the back and body. Muscle imbalances are also evaluated. It turns out that deep muscular endurance is actually more important to a person than high muscular strength.

Therefore, there should be no “race” when competing for who will last the longest, say, a “plank” (belly press). Because if the abdominal muscles of a person are 3 times stronger than the back, it is immediately said that he will suffer from back pain because there is a muscle imbalance.

Back pain can also be caused by diseases of the internal organs, as well as advanced oncological diseases.

Pain can also be due to dental problems.

The physiotherapist said that back pain can be caused not only by psycho-emotional or traumatic factors, but also by dental problems.

Oral hygiene

Oral hygiene

“I myself read a report at a conference a few weeks ago on how static and dynamic balance relate to jaw position. After me, a man who works in a Swiss clinic read the report. They start looking at the posterior adjustments of the teeth. If the upper or lower jaw sticks out, something is displaced. The body has a very large interface between different parts of the body. But this specialist showed with clear examples how the bite is restored and how the spine is adjusted ”, said V. Dudonienė.

According to the interlocutor, parents should pay attention to the child’s jaw from the first months. Because of the suction of a pacifier, an elongated and protruding jaw line is formed in children.

“Parents should not allow the jaw to form in this way, to massage it while the body structures are soft. It becomes much more difficult later.

The position of the head is related to the position of the jaw. If the jaw protrudes, lower or upper, then the position of the head protrudes forward or backward, this position puts tension on the neck and tension on the spine ”, said the specialist.

The program’s physical therapist also recalled the most annoying patient of his career.

“I worked in a clinic where patients had spinal and back problems, I had a patient for half an hour. I had a patient who smoked, breathed, everything was red, blue. I went to counseling for back pain. I explained to him how far he can go, if he can go up to the third floor where he lives and cannot climb, suffocate, he needs to rest.

I explain the need to walk, to increase the load a little. There is a lot of fog, the amount of cigarettes should be reduced as it also leads to back pain. And he says to me: “Don’t explain it to me here, give me medicine.” Physiotherapists do not have the right to prescribe. So who are you going to go to if you’re not going to change a thing? It hurts, it suffocates, the cholesterol is too high, you are overweight, the pressure is high and he says he will not do anything, ”said the physiotherapist, recalling that self-effort is necessary to prevent or reduce back pain.

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