The director of the Radviliškis Hospital points the finger at SAM due to the infection: “We did not protest against half the employees in a month”


V.Smalinskas says that the observations of the National Public Health Center (NVSC) on the violations of infection control at Radviliškis Hospital are only partially correct. He said responses were received just two days after the coronavirus samples were shipped.

“We couldn’t do anything with the fluxes because we’ve been waiting for test responses for more than two days, we couldn’t differentiate between patients who were infected and those who were not,” he said. V. Smalinskas claims that he sent the investigation on Tuesday morning of last week and received the answers on Thursday afternoon.

Photo by I.Budzeikaitė / NVI laboratory

Photo by I.Budzeikaitė / NVI laboratory

The director also noted that initially they wanted to transport people infected with COVID-19 to the Republican Siauliai Hospital, but the latter refused to accept the patients.

“We knew that infected patients should be admitted to Šiauliai Hospital, because they have an infection room, but on Friday morning we found out that they would not accept, we had to suddenly organize our infection room. We had to do that in a few few hours. <...> But imagine: converting a nursing and support care unit into an infection room in a matter of hours without deviations is really difficult, ”recalls the director of the institution the start of the coronavirus stoppage.

According to Monday’s data, 26 medical cases of COVID-19 were diagnosed at Radviliškis Hospital in September. A total of 63 cases of coronavirus were associated with the hospital. nuotr./Medikas nuotr./Medikas

Who is responsible for such a difficult situation, the manager did not want to assess.

“It just came to our notice then. We just have to figure it out, stop, to get the hospital back on track. When we get the station going, we will look at those reasons. <...> You can always think that you could have done something different <...> but to this day I couldn’t judge [savo darbo]”Says V. Smalinskas, who runs the hospital since 2018.

On the other hand, according to the director of the Radviliškis Hospital, the Ministry of Health should also take responsibility for such spread of infection. According to him, the disaster could have been avoided if the staff of the district hospitals underwent tests more frequently. Now, according to the manager, only 120 out of 300 employees are surveyed per month.

Asm.  file photo / Vaidas Smalinskas, director of Radviliškis Hospital

Asm. file photo / Vaidas Smalinskas, director of Radviliškis Hospital

“In district hospitals, the research is done only on 10%. Employees weekly. We have 300 employees in the hospital. We test 30 employees a week, we don’t test even half of the employees a month, when the big ones Hospitals are 100 percent. Test all employees. That’s the difference. Perhaps those incomplete tests by the hospital staff allowed the infection to spread to such an extent that <…> 10 percent evidence is insufficient, ”says V. Smalinskas.

A record 99 new COVID-19 cases per day were reported on Saturday. A total of 179 new coronavirus cases were detected over the weekend, with 70 reported on Monday.

VIDEO: Director of Radviliškis Hospital on the spread of coronavirus: “The damage to the hospital will be considerable”
