The decision on the self-isolation of Landsbergis, Armonaitė and Raskevičius became a detective: he still does not understand what was here.


On Tuesday, already during the morning session of the Seimas, the Chancellery of Parliament revealed that 14 members of the Seimas, including Gabrielius Landsbergis, Aušrinė Armonaitė and Tomas Vytautas Raskevičius, should be in self-isolation due to contact with a sick coronavirus. If the latter was sitting at home at the time, the leaders of the Conservatives and the Freedom Party attended the Seimas session.

Gabrielius Landsbergis, Aušrinė Armonaitė, Tomas Vytautas Raskevičius

After all, it is not the fault of politicians to translate, because, according to A. Armonaitė and G. Landsbergis, the fact that they must be in self-isolation was learned from the media.

On Tuesday night, the National Public Health Center (NVSC) clarified that G. Landsbergis, A. Armonaitė and TV Raskevičius should not be in self-isolation because the risk was assessed as low.

First reported to the media

Freedom Party leader Aušrinė Armonaitė told news portal that Rolanda Lingienė, head of the Vilnius branch of the NVSC, contacted her on Tuesday evening. However, before that, he only found out about the media’s self-isolation, so he turned to the relevant authorities.

“I wrote to both the office and the NVSC to explain. Firstly, on what basis my name arose, and secondly, on what basis it was made public in the media, not in me. Not only the Seimas Chancellery, but also the NVSC commented to the willing media, we had not received any information from them, “said the politician.

Tomas Vytautas Raskevičius and Aušrinė Armonaitė

The leader of the Freedom Party said that he and his colleagues were in a situation many people find themselves in these days.

“Those criteria are not entirely clear about what goes into self-isolation. Second, they are not told if they need [izoliuotis]”, – said A. Armonaitė.

Although the politician claimed not to believe conspiracy theories that peasants tried to prevent Ingrida Šimonytė’s candidacy for prime minister from approving a significant part of the post, A. Armonaitė has questions.

“It coincided in this way and encourages all kinds of reflections that it is the position like the leaves that falls into self-isolation, and the opposition is sitting full,” said A. Armonaitė.

Conservative leader G. Landsbergis shared a timeline of Tuesday’s events on social media. According to him, as the vote on I. Šimonytė approached, the media began to attack G. Landsbergis with questions about why he was not in self-isolation.

“I have no instructions from the NVSC, so I’m going to vote. We started to explain to the new detective: where did the order to isolate Dawn and me come from.

A few minutes before the vote and another colleague receives a call, you must isolate yourself. Why? Well, because you were in a meeting with a sick person yesterday. The interesting thing is that we know the sick person. More interestingly, he did not attend the meeting with his colleague. <...> After the vote, we isolate ourselves until we find out who sent us into isolation and why.

And … lose the vote on telecommuting. The one with which we should guarantee safer work for all members of the Seimas. (We will come back to it at the next meeting), “Landsbergis wrote.

Gabriel Landsbergis

Will keep staying home

Former TV Raskevičius told the news portal that the parliamentary tests were held at the Seimas on Monday. A representative of the Freedom Party signed up for the test.

“But they called me from the Seimas Chancellery that I cannot come to do the test because they have information that I have to be in self-isolation. I say, thank you, well, for the first time I heard, it was isolated, “said TV Raskevičius.

The politician then called the NVSC to find out when he would be subject to self-isolation.

“I was able to call, but I was unable to provide any information because only my case manager can provide me with that information. He wrote my contacts and that’s it. Then nobody called, “said a member of the Seimas.

Tomas Vytautas Raskevičius

Information appeared in the press on Tuesday that TV Raskevičius and 13 other colleagues must be in self-isolation. According to the politician, on Tuesday night around 5 pm he received a call from NVSC specialists who informed him that self-isolation had not been applied and they apologized.

According to TV Raskevičius, the Seimas Chancellery made a mistake. She understood the list in which a person infected with a coronavirus provided their contacts as a list of people who self-isolated.

“It seems to me that I am absolutely not prepared to manage the crisis. Why is NVSC not communicating with the health system. If the NVSC makes decisions that I have to be self-isolating, I will activate electronic health and see from time to time that I they have assigned self-isolation. And now we are waiting for calls, then we read in the newspapers. It is such a feeling that we do not live in the 21st century, but in the Gadana year, “said TV Raskevičius.

According to the politician, because he had contact, although low risk, he will work from home this week. However, TV Raskevičius was never technically in self-isolation and was able to vote for I. Šimonytė’s candidacy.

Asked not to comment

Although the Seimas Chancellery made a mistake, the Minister of Health suggested that the rulers lower their tone.

“As far as I know, the people who received the order to isolate themselves not from the NVSC, but from the Seimas Chancellery, <...> many indulged, they spoke out against the NVSC epidemiologists. I also want to address them in public. Keep in mind that epidemiologists are doing their job. Please don’t criticize them, people want to call in good faith, explain what the situation is, what the rules are.

We must not abuse our power, all existing people and members of the Seimas are subject to the same rules, they must be followed. The Seimas Chancellery made a mistake, I think that the NVSC unnecessarily yesterday apologized for some isolation violations, ”A. Veryga commented to journalists gathered in V. Kudirka Square before the Government meeting.

Aurelijus Veryga

According to the current order of the Ministry of Health, the isolation period can be shortened for employees of medical institutions who had contact with the patient, trainees, employees of pharmacies operating in medical institutions who have direct contact with patients.

Isolation can also be shortened for the president and his advisers, the president of the Seimas and his deputies, the prime minister and his advisers and clerks, the ministers, his advisers and vice ministers, the chancellor and his deputies, the Border Guard Service of the State, customs, police, Public Security Service. , Officers of the Command Security Service, fire and rescue personnel, military and civil personnel of the National Defense System, personnel of the institutions of the Lithuanian diplomatic service.

The isolation of these individuals can be terminated if a laboratory test for COVID-19 is performed within 10 days of isolation and a negative result is obtained.

All other people must be isolated for 14 days from the date of the last exposure.

It is true that from October 25 to November 9 the possibility of shortening the isolation period was valid for everyone, but, according to the Ministry of Health, the procedure has changed due to the deterioration of the epidemiological situation, the increasing volumes of research and the availability of research when needed.
