The creator of Kaunas, who seduced the world with funny names, continues to amaze


There are only six left for this business, but it seems that all of the Everest ones have already been overcome. Ingrida says that when she started this business, there was a wave of Lithuanian design boom, many creators appeared, and she just jumped into the period when Lithuanian design was highly valued. During that time, a kind of status was created – what status there, a name that helps pave the way where even the elderly have a hard time breaking through.

“It all came from a hobby that became a business little by little. Slowly, with the first shows. I bought pieces of leather and started, ”says the young businesswoman.

In her words, Lithuanian women are unique. They like to dress up, have one or another exclusive item, including a handbag. And she’s happy to be able to contribute to that.

He studied and worked on one and thought about the other

When she was only twelve years old, Ingrida was already making clothes for her. But no one saw the potential of that designer back then. The girl studied very well, so she chose the right studies.

The young businesswoman graduated from sciences other than design and sewing: “I studied public administration and graduated with a master’s degree in international business from Kaunas University of Technology,” Ingrida said, mentioning that after graduation she also worked and held a high position in sales.

Owner of KARTu, Ingrida Daukaitė - Jasinskė

Owner of KARTu, Ingrida Daukaitė – Jasinskė

© DELFI / Laimonas Jankauskas

“Now only a blind person would not realize that I have sewn everything myself from head to toe and that I need to be in the field of singing. Nor did I understand until I finished all my studies, until I worked in a large company, until I realized that the most important and interesting thing for me is creativity “, concludes the interviewee.

And bags appeared in his life by accident. He says he couldn’t find what would suit him and would like him, then he gathered pieces of leather and sewed them together.

First for me, then for the same desired girlfriend, Mom. Then the wheel turned. Even today, in the studio located in the center of Kaunas, you can find that true firstborn, who has changed significantly.

In addition, you can now find bags of various colors and shapes in this studio. If necessary, they can be adjusted according to your wishes: choose the color, skin type and size.

The first fair and success

When asked to name one of the most important moments of the start of the business, Ingrida remembered a fair that she had prepared with only ten bags of one model but of different colors.

“I only had 10 products. I thought if someone did, I could give it to my friends. But at the fair we were very lucky, we sold everything. I thought, “Wow, how can that be here?” It was a lot of fun to feel like you’re on the right track to ‘have an eye’ to make such a model, “said the designer of the red, yellow and blue leather handbags and soft purses.


© DELFI / Laimonas Jankauskas

According to her, it was a great start. At the fair, everything was swept with a broom, followed by an exhibition after the exhibition, new models, more and more sales.

“I did not know that market, the bag’s earnings were about 10-20 euros. Over time, the price has changed as we become normal taxpayers. But actually we offer the customer a close price ”, says the young businesswoman.

All bags have been inspected.

Ingrida has now employed six people. Ideas are first born in Ingrida’s mind, then they remain on paper, and then the seamstresses do their work. However, there is not a single bag that Ingrida does not inspect, touch or inspect herself.

Ship the entire leather pallet from Italy. They say they can be found at fairs all over the world and at different prices, but you need the best quality, and the Italians have it.

“For trust, for sacred peace,” laughs the woman.

Owner of KARTu, Ingrida Daukaitė - Jasinskė

Owner of KARTu, Ingrida Daukaitė – Jasinskė

© DELFI / Laimonas Jankauskas

She says that it would also be possible to buy leather in Lithuania, but Italians who appreciate long-term traditions know perfectly well what leather is suitable for handbags: not too heavy, not so fast, of the highest quality.

Special sewing machines also require a lot of costs: “A simple tailor would not sew leather. If you sew a garment and something goes wrong, it can break, and with skin that doesn’t, holes will remain. I will not send again. Therefore, precise work is needed here ”, said Ingrida.

The developer says she always takes into account what her buyers say. “Mothers come, they talk about how nothing fits in their purse, students come, their stories are different. I listen to customers and to whom, ”says Ingrida.

Symbolism of the name

It turns out that interesting-sounding bag names are directly related to the brand.


© DELFI / Laimonas Jankauskas

“It just came to our attention then. First of all, after all, every woman has a purse. And she is always with her.

“KARTu” can be a flavor or a spice. We say that it is very gourmet with us. Each bag has a story. We have a full range of flavors that we combine with the qualities of a woman. For example, “Dark Chocolate” – wow, what a bag, it’s a business woman’s bag, it’s official, how cold it is during the day, but the chocolate is so sweet and that woman can go to a frenzy with that bag . This is how bag stories are created. It’s a lot of fun when women hang out and say, “This is how I go,” she said, explaining that each bag has its own identity, because it is just not interesting to buy an item, people want a feeling, an idea.

Another meaning of “kARTu” is no less interesting: “We can see the English word” ART “in the logo, which is very important when trading in a foreign market”, said Ingrida about the possible interpretations of the name.

Japanese paper

Ingrida talks about an incredible adventure: “A few years ago I went to the Acropolis and suddenly I saw a group of Japanese. I see a woman has our Vaivoras backpack. I know no one bought it at the studio that week. Therefore, that woman discovered us somewhere, be it at exhibitions in Japan or in small shops in Japan. This really surprised me. You can imagine how good it feels: I go to Kaunas and see my backpack in a Japanese group ”.

Owner of KARTu, Ingrida Daukaitė - Jasinskė

Owner of KARTu, Ingrida Daukaitė – Jasinskė

© DELFI / Laimonas Jankauskas

Not only do Lithuanians enjoy Lithuanian bags created by Ingrida, part of the production travels to a completely different part of the world: America, Australia and the aforementioned Japan.

Ingrid laughs that the idea of ​​trading in Japan did not occur to her, because the world is so big.

However, a Japanese woman came to the “kARTu” studio, who said that she has several stores and would like to sell bags created by Ingrida. Initially, that businesswoman took some bags created by Ingrida, then more and more.

According to Ingrida, Japanese tastes are different from Lithuanians, because they prefer smaller bags. And nothing strange, the Japanese are dwarfs.



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Furthermore, many bags created by Ingrida are found in London, Chicago and Helsinki. “Customers can buy them all over the world. We have to ship it to Germany, where we love our bags, Qatar, Spain, England, Ireland,” says the businesswoman named Ingrida’s Products.

Collection of peppers

The Lithuanian leather handbag brand “KARTu”, which successfully travels to Europe and Asia, surprised its fans and followers this year with new collections, aimed at both women and men.

“Since for me autumn is associated with naturalness, a slightly slower pace of life, the color of this collection also wanted naturalness, certainty and striking shades. However, as always, we give you the freedom to choose, so customers may want to see this bright red or green color. That’s where all the charm resides. “

Owner of KARTu, Ingrida Daukaitė - Jasinskė

Owner of KARTu, Ingrida Daukaitė – Jasinskė

© DELFI / Laimonas Jankauskas

Soon, the men who rush to the “KARTu” studio and quickly pull one or another purse from their women will be forced to stop. The latest bags and backpacks specially designed for them, as well as leather and large sports bags await them.

“A Lithuanian man still needs to be tamed. But they have already liked backpacks, and little by little we are occupying that niche as well”, the interlocutor spoke carefully, but with great enthusiasm.

Genuine leather and durability

According to the designer, leather products have conquered the whole world and are relatively classified in the art category: “The leather industry in Lithuania has deep and beautiful traditions and history. And that trade has always been respected in Lithuania, ”he says.

When asked about how his products look in the eyes of a sustainable economy and animal caretakers, he says: “Everything in life changes. At some point in life, skin was thought to be bad, but now it is attributed to a sustainable substance. If you buy eco-leather bags, you wear them a bit and have to throw them away. And the people who make them don’t really work in the best conditions and that raw material is not good. Buy a product similar to ours, you have been using it for at least ten years. So in terms of sustainability, it is better to buy a good leather product than a bunch of plastic bags or an eco-fabric purse or purse that wears out quickly. “


© DELFI / Laimonas Jankauskas

Ingrida says that leather is a secondary raw material and for those customers who want organic leather, she first asks if they eat meat. Most answer affirmatively: “I want to emphasize that we never use the skins of animals that are specially bred for that. Neither crocodiles nor others. We only use the ones that are grown for meat. “

Ingrida, who raises her one-year-old daughter Olivia, says she is at work every day, but not necessarily directly: “I have a great team. And my work is a pleasure for me. I go out, charge the batteries and have strength again. Everything is possible. It is important to love what you do. I create a mini collection every season and this is my engine. I want my things to be portable and to be loved. I walk down the street, I see a woman with her bag and it is so good to me. That is why I work. Because it is very good for me to make people happy, “says the charismatic creator.

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