The court ruled on the removal of former Kaunas police chief D. Zukauskas: everything is legal


By order of the General Commissioner of Police, Mr. Žukauskas was removed from his duties because his work permit or access to classified information was revoked.

According to the Vilnius Regional Administrative Court, revocation of this permit is not a matter of disciplinary action. According to the doctrine of the Constitutional Court, such permission is based on trust in a person, and in the presence of data on unfavorable circumstances, it is necessary to assess whether the work of a person with classified information does not represent an unacceptable risk for the security of said information.

In the court’s opinion, the permission to work with classified information was reasonably revoked, so that the dismissal of Mr. Žukauskas was recognized as lawful.

The administrative case was heard in private, the court said.

This decision can be appealed to the Supreme Administrative Court of Lithuania within 30 days.

D.Žukauskas was ousted by a corruption scandal

D.Žukauskas was removed from his post on October 30 last year after initiating an inspection due to his suspicious links.

The internal inspection was initiated after receiving information during a pre-trial investigation that was heard aloud from the public in October last year (Kaunas Police on October 9). shocked by an unprecedented corruption scandal, thus eliminating the entire leadership of the then Kaunas County Commissariat), in which Kaunas Police Officer Donatas Karalukas is suspected of accepting bribes of more than 10,000. euros. It is suspected that it may cover the illegal alcohol business and the trade in stolen auto parts. Rotations, audits and inspections began in the Kaunas County Police.

October 30 during the conference announced the clarification of an international criminal network – therefore, the investigation of corruption in the police crossed the borders of Lithuania.

During the internal inspection, D.Žukauskas was removed from his post, although at that time he was on paternity leave (he took them in April last year). Upon learning of the removal and inspection, the official, who had to return to work in November, extended his parental leave until the boy was two years old. D.Žukauskas’s term as Kaunas County Police Chief would end in 2020. March 18

On February 26 of this year, after an internal inspection, Mr. Zukauskas has been firedbecause you have been deprived of the right to work with classified information. During the inspection, it was stated that the personal qualities, behavior and relationships of D.Žukauskas with certain persons raise reasonable doubts about their reliability and the possibility of continuing to work with classified information. The inspection did not determine the guilt of the official in the commission of any crime or violation.

Eriko Ovcharenko / 15min nootr./Police conference

Eriko Ovcharenko / 15min nootr./Police conference
