The country’s leaders congratulated the pianist Genius on the anniversary


“When you play the piano keys on stage and the music plays, your talent opens up before us with all its strength and aesthetic beauty, a gift from great creators and personalities, which allows you to hear more clearly, feel deeper. , see with more sensitivity. . And it confirms every time that music is your life, destiny and vocation, a history recovered and lived in your own way ”, says the President’s greeting.

According to the head of the country, the music performed by the master is what Lithuania is very proud of and appreciates throughout the art world. For many years, P. Geniušas presents Lithuania to the world and opens the treasures of world music to our country with rich and rich concert activities. Inspired by innovative ideas, he brings together other musicians for interesting and innovative projects. Creative Passions of Vedinas You share your knowledge and professionalism with young musicians and have raised many stars that shone in Lithuania and abroad. I thank you with great respect for the creative light that you appreciate and spread! ”- said the president.

On the occasion of the anniversary, the President wished Fr. Genius health, strength, artistic drive and many other wonderful concerts and excellent musical projects.

On the occasion of the anniversary, the pianist Professor P. Genius was congratulated by Prime Minister I. Šimonytė.

“You are a famous piano virtuoso, a versatile artist who has mastered a very wide repertoire of musical works. Your talent and exclusive forms of expression open to listeners the treasures of timeless classics, invite you to discover the world of avant-garde music or jazz. History testifies that both his solo concerts and his performances with various ensembles from Vilnius to Tokyo are always waiting for a large group of fans. It is very important that you pass on your inspiring experience and musical wisdom to the students as they carry on the beautiful traditions. Dear Petra, I sincerely congratulate you on the 60th anniversary and sincerely hope that your constant creative fire will continue to draw listeners to all concert halls, and the sounds of music will warm their hearts, ”says the Prime Minister.

Professor P. Geniušas has been awarded the Knight’s Cross of the Order of the Grand Duke of Lithuania Gediminas, the National Prize for Culture and Art and other important awards for his extensive artistic and concert activity.

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