The cost of an error by a Panevėžys doctor: almost a fifth of a million euros due to a disabled baby


Last year, the portal wrote about Egidijus and Živilė (surnames known to the editorial board – aut. last.) the story of his son Mark John. The child, born a year and a half ago, does not walk, does not speak and does not see.

Drink in the hospital

The doctor acted too late

As the parents told the portal previously, the baby was healthy throughout the pregnancy. Mom felt great too.

The couple went to Panevėžys Republican Hospital to give birth. The newborn baby did not cry and, although the parents were assured that the baby was born healthy, the newborn was soon transferred to the Santara clinics in Vilnius.

There, the parents were informed of completely different news.

“Finish you off,” he says. There will be nothing good at all. It is not clear whether or not it will survive depends on the child. It seems that only one doctor said one way, and here it is different, ”Markid Jonas’s father Egidijus told previously.

The baby was diagnosed with cerebral palsy, microcephaly, hydrocephalus, cerebral atrophy. Also, the baby is still blind, suffers from persistent seizures and other health problems.

The parents submitted an application to the Republican Panevėžys Hospital and the State Accreditation Service for Health Care Activities (VASPVT). The latter discovered last year that the obstetrician who had observed the birth had miscalculated the pathological cardiotogram recorded at 11:30 pm and had belatedly changed the tactics of birth control.

As the parents told reporters, at that point it was clear that something was wrong with the baby. However, the baby remained in the womb for another two hours and five minutes, and the born baby, as parents recall, did not even cry.

Drink in the hospital

The amount awarded is too small

Last year, Mark Jonas’ parents submitted an application to the Patient Health Injury Commission (PSPŽNK). The first meeting of this commission took place on December 10 of last year.

On February 11, the commission made a decision. According to Modestas Sriubas, a family lawyer for, the commission’s decision was favorable to the family.

The commission admitted that the hospital was to blame for the consequences for the child, the health disorder, which the family had suffered and sentenced the child to 100,000. compensation for moral damage, 40 thousand for parents. compensation for non-pecuniary damages ”, says M. Sriubas.

According to the lawyer, the family welcomes the decision, but considers the amount of the damage. The family raises the question of whether 180 thousand. An amount of 1 million euros is enough to compensate for the child’s health problems.

The portal recalls that in the past the family told journalists that they would seek to pay almost five times more, one million euros.

“Seeing the consequences for a young child is especially painful. The child actually has a severe level of disability, the prognosis for recovery is unfavorable, because it is clearly established that immediately after delivery there was severe intranatal asphyxia, there is brain damage, cerebral palsy There is epilepsy, in fact, from the first days of life it has serious health consequences.

The prognosis is very unfavorable, it will definitely not improve. We are talking about the fact that this moral damage must compensate for all those losses, moral, physical, etc. It’s for life, whether 100,000 is enough or not. hurt? ”Asks M. Soup.

Both the family and the hospital have 30 days to go to court. Currently, the family is thinking about what to do. According to the lawyer, a certain offer was made to the Republican Hospital Panevėžys.

Mark Jonas’s father, Egidijus, says he thinks the amount awarded to PSPŽNK is too small.

“I think for a 100 thousand child. Very little. Thinking in the long term, you realize that life is long, you need to think about what it will be in five years, in ten. A little help, nursing, rehabilitation in the foreigner, that, that, you know. We are thinking about a longer period of time, “shared Egidijus.

The family says they will still consult with their lawyer on next steps, but so far they have not ruled out the idea that the PSPŽNK will appeal the decision.

Drink in the hospital

The hospital regrets

Vytautas Riaubiškis, a communication specialist at the Republican Hospital Panevėžys, writes to that the hospital has not yet received the decision of the PSPŽNK establishment commission.

“The Republican Hospital of Panevėžys constantly cooperates with the competent authorities, but has not yet received an official document from the meeting of the Injury Determination Commission, which would officially inform our medical institution about the decision made by the commission on this matter. After receiving the Injury Commission’s decision, we will carefully review it and then decide on the hospital’s future actions.

Our treatment center will refrain from making premature comments at this time, not wanting to further hurt parents for whom it is already very difficult.

We understand the resentment of the parents over this unpleasant incident and sincerely sympathize with them on behalf of the hospital community. The hospital staff is doing and will do everything possible in the future to prevent such unpleasant cases from happening again, ”V. Riaubiškis writes to

The PSPŽNK secretary, Aurimas Morkūnas, points out that both the hospital and the family lawyer must make the commission’s decision within 7 working days from the decision (February 11).
