The coronavirus was also detected for the opera singer Vaidas Vyšniauskas


According to Delfi sources, the positive test for coronavirus was confirmed by Vaidas Vyšniauskas, a prominent opera soloist and pastor of the New Generation Protestant Church, and Enrico Reggioli, a famous conductor and music teacher who recently arrived in Lithuania from Italy.
The latter is currently being treated at the Santariškės Clinics Infectious Diseases Hospital due to his health condition.

The fact that one of the patients, an Italian citizen, is being treated in a hospital was also confirmed by a representative of the NVSC.

The tenor V. Vyšniauskas, whose stage name is Kristian Benedikt, is in better condition, he is treated at home.

Due to the latter’s illness, scheduled performances at the Tauragė Music Festival and other events are canceled.

Another well-known opera singer, Liudas Mikalauskas, announces it on his Facebook.

From public information, it can be seen that V. Vyšniauskas and other well-known Lithuanian artists may have performed in the Nida church, Kuranga Kurhaus, during the incubation period of the disease.

The epidemiological epicrisis compiled by NVSC specialists suggests that the main source of infection, which is currently being studied by more than one hundred people at LOBT and the Kaunas Philharmonic, may have been a guest of E. Reggioli, Italy, affected by a coronavirus.

The immigrant in Lithuania is said to have felt ill for more than a week and had symptoms of a coronavirus-like illness.

Under the current procedure, he had to come to Lithuania by order of the Minister of Culture Mindaugas Kvietkauskas, as an exception.

As of February 26, the declaration of the state of emergency in Lithuania, foreigners are not allowed to enter Lithuania, except for the exceptions provided.
One of those exceptions is the arrival of highly qualified representatives of culture, art and sport for concerts, competitions or for educational purposes.
Jana Mikulevič, representative of the Ministry of Culture, reported that she could not specify when and at the invitation of whom E. Reggioli arrived in Lithuania.

“I cannot find the name of such a person in government resolutions, we are only looking now in the internal documents of the ministry,” said J. Mikulevič, head of the Division of Public Relations and Strategic Communication of the Ministry of Culture.

She promised to report back as soon as such information was found. Once we receive the answer, we will complete the text.

According to the valid exceptions to the Government Resolution, a foreign citizen may be allowed to enter Lithuania on the proposal of the Minister of a separate area, if serious reasons are indicated.
In any case, however, the decision in this regard is made solely by the Government at its meeting through a formal resolution.

According to the available data, the Italian organized a highly qualified training for renowned artists of the country, including LOBT and Kaunas Philharmonic.

Joint photos with Lithuanian diplomats taken by V. Vyšniauskas and E. Reggioli at a similar time were also available on the Internet.
One such photo was posted on the Facebook page of Lithuania’s ambassador to Russia, Eitvydas Bajarūnas, on Sunday night.
In addition to V. Vyšniauskas, E. Reggioli and E. Bajarūnas himself, the Lithuanian ambassador to Canada, Darius Skusevičius, was registered there.

This photo was removed from Facebook on Monday.

Jonas Sakalauskas, the director of LOBT, who was infected with coronavirus, publicly distributed a letter on Monday, asking not to spread rumors that the theater’s art director, Sesto Quatrini, was infected with coronavirus.

Sesto Quatrini, the artistic director of the Italian LNOBT Opera, who participates in the rehearsals for “Anna Bolena”, also performed on July 29. COVID-19 infection certificate. This director did not complain of any health problems, contrary to the public statements of the theater workers who did not want to make his name public. Therefore, I urge the theater community to refrain from releasing deliberately misleading or unverified information in the future, ”says J. Sakalauskas, Director of LOBT, in a broadcast speech.

NVSC representative G. Megelinskienė also confirmed that LOBT art director S. Quatrini is not related to a sick and currently hospitalized Italian citizen.

She said “these are two different people and we currently have no data that they may have been in contact with each other.”

The epidemiologist confirmed that the positive test was obtained “not for the coronavirus test from the LOBT art director, but for another person, an Italian citizen, who is being treated at the hospital.”

Delfi recalls that according to the current NVSC recommendations, all persons suspected of having been in contact with infected or ill people must request a coronavirus test, and must also report such past contacts to tel. No. +370 5 264 9676, +370 618 79984, +370 5 212 4098 (I – IV 8: 00-17: 00, F 8: 00-15: 45). Failure to provide such information is subject to criminal liability.

It is strictly forbidden to use the information published by DELFI on other websites, in the media or elsewhere, or to distribute our material in any way without consent, and if consent has been obtained, it is necessary to indicate DELFI as the source.
