The coronavirus claimed the lives of 18 people and identified 721 new cases


Additionally, six more deaths from coronavirus were included in the overall mortality statistics when the actual date of death is earlier.

Last day, 1,442 people recovered from COVID-19.

In Lithuania, since the start of the pandemic, COVID-19 has affected 184,948 people, 133,000. 994 people recovered, 45 thousand. 753 – tebeserga.

Lithuanian hospitals are currently treating 1,324 COVID-19 patients, 153 of them in resuscitation, Statistics Lithuania reported Thursday.

In addition, 1,009 patients are supplied with oxygen and 84 people are given artificial lung ventilation.

114 patients were hospitalized for COVID-19 on the last day.

A total of 2,591 beds were allocated for the treatment of coronavirus infection, 278 of them in intensive care units for resuscitation.

Of the 8,327 workplace physicians serving COVID-19 patients, 68 physicians are currently incapacitated from coronavirus infection and 22 are in isolation.

For other reasons, 520 doctors are temporarily absent.

Due to COVID-19, 199 out of 13,000 people are temporarily unable to work. 24 nurses, 51 in isolation.

For other reasons, 1,017 nurses are temporarily absent.

Last day, 1,491 people received the first dose of the vaccine and 4,291 people received the second dose.

In Lithuania, the first dose of the COVID-19 vaccine was administered to a total of 75,000 people. 804 people, both doses – 30 thousand. 241 people.

2,885 people have died from coronavirus in the country.

There were 8,855 suspected coronavirus tests in the country last day, for a total of 1 million cases since the start of the pandemic. 957 thousand 327.

Postponed quarantine relaxation

The news portal recalls that the Government abandoned this plan after considering on Monday that it could accept the first quarantine releases on Wednesday. The cabinet did not begin considering quarantine issues on Wednesday.

On Monday, after the meeting of the State Emergency Commission, Health Minister Arūnas Dulkys stated that the next meeting of the Government, on Wednesday, should decide on the release of quarantine for some companies.

However, governments did not put the issue on Wednesday’s agenda.

“Today, we do not have a scheme of quarantine stages on the meeting’s agenda, because, on the one hand, there are some nuances of this type that may have become clear in recent days. These are the nuances that relate to cross-border movement and the decisions our neighbors make. We need to modify those solutions accordingly.

Discussions have also been held with experts on some activities. The problem is not the discussion itself, but the discussions took place on Monday and Tuesday, ”Prime Minister Ingrida Šimonytė said at the government meeting.

Quarantine mitigation issues will return next week.

“Next week, let’s try to approve that plan,” I. Šimonytė told ministers.

I wanted to free up the work of shops and beauty centers.

This week, the ministries suggested to the government that stores other than supermarkets and beauty centers could open their doors in the coming days, subject to the necessary security requirements. It is true that only those institutions that have an open entrance from abroad could operate, so they require a restriction on customer traffic.

“We would like to propose to the Government that not only grocery stores but also other non-essential stores can operate now, if they have a separate entrance from the outside and can restrict the flow of customers,” said A. Dulkys.

However, the Council of Experts, advising the government, did not recommend the Cabinet of Ministers to rush with this quarantine relief, fearing that the epidemiological situation in the country is not stable enough.

As Inga Ruginienė, president of the Lithuanian Trade Union Confederation, one of the members of the Council of Experts, told the portal, the experts suggested that the Government postpone these releases.

“Our recommendation continues to be that after reaching the indicator in 150 cases, 100 thousand. residents, small shops could be opened that would not serve more than one customer, ”suggested I. Ruginienė.
