The coronary crisis planted $ 50 billion for the American investor W. Buffett. dollars –


May 2020 03 d. 12:51:41
Rasa Strimaitytė, Elta

The economic crisis over the crown pandemic has hit American billionaire Warren Buffett hard. His holding company, Berkshire Hathaway, announced Saturday that it had experienced $ 50 billion in the quarter. loss of dollars


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The coronary crisis has planted US investor W. Buffett $ 50 billion. Dollars Photo EPA-Elta

The company spoke of a “temporary” failure, but at the same time acknowledged that the uncertainty awaited. It is not clear when normalization in various areas of farm activities can be expected. Due to the coronary crisis, the Berkshire Hathaway shareholders meeting was held on video on Saturday.

According to the American business magazine Forbes, W. Buffett’s assets are valued at $ 72 billion. dollars The legendary 89-year-old investor is considered the fourth richest man on the planet.

Berkshire Hathaway also has a significant stake in Apple, an information technology company, as well as American Express and Goldman Sachs. The holding company also operates in the insurance, rail and energy sectors.

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