The constructions of the S.Darius and S.Girėnas stadiums are renewed


The country’s first science museum, Mokslo sala, will open in Kaunas and the construction of the S. Darius and S. Girėnas stadiums will be renewed. This Wednesday the contracts for the stadium and the science and innovation center were signed. At the end of the recruitment procedures, it was clear that 32 million. and 24.3 million. The projects worth a billion euros will be executed by the Autokausta company. One of the largest projects in Kaunas is scheduled to be completed in 2022.

A new record in the history of the city

“The implementation of these projects was reminiscent of running with obstacles, but all barriers were successfully overcome. Now we do not look back, we only look forward and we are firmly committed to completing both the stadium and the science museum. These two projects mark a very important qualitative break in the history of Kaunas. We believe that they can be implemented in 2022, when Kaunas becomes the European Capital of Culture. We have strong support from the government and Prime Minister Saulius Skvernelis, so we we feel much more secure and calm, ”said the mayor of Kaunas, Visvaldas Matijošaitis.

According to V. Matijošaitis, the growth and modernization of Kaunas are inseparable from the objects that arise and are renewed here. The transformation into a modern and innovative city, creating unique spaces for the popularization of science, new heights of sport and culture, would not be possible without the significant help of various financial sources.

The total value of investments in major projects for Kaunas residents and visitors to the city is currently estimated to be about 121 million. euros. Among the largest projects implemented in Kaunas are the reconstruction of the Kaunas Sports Hall, the construction of a bridge to Nemunas Island, the creation of the infrastructure of the Aleksotas Innovation Industrial Park, the construction of the Water Sports Center on Nemunas Island. and the new ice rink near Girstutis, the complex renovation of the Ąžuolynas Park.

Trust yourself

“We started working on the stadium immediately after signing the contract. Regarding the science museum, we will need around 2 months to prepare a working project, with which we will start immediately on Nemunas Island,” said Juozas Kriaučiūnas, Director. of the company Autokausta.

The contractor’s representative assured that the company he directed was able to implement both facilities on its own. Autokausta rarely uses subcontractors to carry out work.

“We have around 350 units of heavy machinery, our own concrete units, a metal construction factory, an asphalt factory, hundreds of employees and excellent engineers. If the virus does not set foot, it is quite realistic to complete the construction of both the stadium and the science museum in time, in 2022. We understand the importance of these buildings for Kaunas and for the whole of Lithuania, so we will do our best ”, J. Kriaučiūnas assured.

Stand out with a unique accent

At the interactive science and innovation center on Nemunas Island, visitors will be able to touch technology and get acquainted with current innovations. It is expected that around 300 thousand people receive in Kaunas and tourist attraction center per year. visitors.

The project, developed by the Spanish and Australian company SMAR Architecture Studio, stands out for its unique architectural and design solutions, but at the same time it blends seamlessly into the natural landscape of Nemunas Island, popular with Kaunas.

According to experts, it will be a unique building in the whole of Europe, its accent and real decoration will be the inclined “disk” structure of 21 meters in diameter, which “hangs” over the entrance to the museum. Inside – constant and changing exhibitions, STEAM laboratories, virtual projection spaces. The modern museum will also house cafes, conference rooms, workshops, and an administrative section.

The purchase documents for the exhibition that will fill the spaces of the “Island of Science” are currently being prepared. His concept was developed by the Polish company Multimedia Art & Education, which has extensive experience in this field.

The fact that the project will take place is evidenced not only by the funding obtained this spring, but also by the task: on Nemunas Island, most of the underground communications to the future museum have already been built, a third of the King Mindaugas Avenue and the new bridge that connects the island. Around the managed access points, the city is also preparing to rebuild the Isla Nemunas Park itself.

The pause in construction was not in vain

“This year has presented difficult challenges for Lithuania and the world, we have become something of a hostage to a pandemic. However, Kaunas’ ambitions remained just as strong and his goals were not diminished at all. They are important to all Kaunas residents, as well as residents across the country. Together with the team, we are working hard so that this contract signing day arrives as soon as possible, ”said Vilius Šiliauskas, Director of Administration of the Municipality of Kaunas.

32 million were also signed on Wednesday. EUR Darius and contract for the works of the S. Girėnas stadium. The construction of the stadium, which is important for the whole of Lithuania and especially for Kaunas, is scheduled to be completed in a year and a half.

Construction of the stadium late last year was briefly on hold. In January, the Kaunas municipality terminated the contract with the Turkish company Kayi Construction, which was unable to settle accounts with subcontractors and employees due to financial problems. The ensuing litigation in court cost several months of precious time.

“It just came to our attention then. We improved the technical design of the stadium and finally started the search for new contractors,” said V. Šiliauskas about the difficult period.

When the Turks withdrew from the stadium, the architects were tasked with reviewing and updating the project. In the last four years since its inception, the FIFA requirements poster has grown: lighting standards, competition filming and commentary rooms have changed, and the resolution of all screens provided in the stadium has improved. The cost of construction works has inevitably changed over the three years.

More than 15 thousand. In addition to sporting events, great concerts will be held at the stadium, which will feature a grandstand. This required an increase in electrical power, the design of a backup power source, an electricity generator, and the strengthening of pavements at temporary-stage construction sites. After all the improvements and renovations, the stadium will become not only cheaper, more modern, but also more attractive for business.

Some of the work is done

The Turkish company Kayi Construction, which worked on the stadium until last winter, managed to get a lot of work done. On the site of the old tennis courts there is an underground parking lot with storm sewer, drainage, water supply, pump station and oil traps.

“Turkish builders, together with subcontractors, dismantled worn items: reinforced concrete supports, lighting poles, billboards. They also built a VIP grandstand,” said Vigimantas Abramavičius, head of the Department of Construction Management of the municipality of Kaunas, you already did the job.

After reconstruction, the stadium stands will be covered with a roof. An exclusive solution envisaged in the project is a wooden façade part, which hides the concrete structures of the bleachers and blends in harmoniously with the general environment against the background of oak. The stadium will have a modern underfloor heating that meets the requirements of UEFA’s top category 4.

The S. Darius and S. Girėnas stadium is the most prominent accent in the complex overview of the city. Today, the legendary sports hall is being reborn nearby, the entire square on Sporto Street will be significantly modified along with the entrances to the stadium and the hall, and the infrastructure of Ąžuolynas is being rebuilt. The city is also preparing for the construction of a new athletic stadium, and there will soon be a series of works in the Song Valley.
