The conspirators are anxious: although the quarantine has ended, they proclaim slavery and war.


“We have to be prepared for everything, every day we follow the situation in countries that have also faced or less successfully with the first wave, and we see a very bad trend: the increase in the second wave is incredibly fast, sudden, much sharper than the first. ” We analyze data from other countries in which sectors it started: public transport, shopping malls, mass events. We need to be prepared, “Prime Minister Saulius Skvernelis said after the government meeting on Wednesday.

Such calls sound with increasing warnings that the second wave of the coronavirus is approaching as the second wave approaches. For example, Austrian Foreign Minister Alexander Schallenberg issued travel alerts to Bulgaria, Romania and Moldova as the number of COVID-19 cases in these countries increases.

Previously, Austria called for abandonment of travel to Serbia, Kosovo, Albania, Bosnia and Herzegovina, northern Macedonia and Montenegro.

Such calls have spread after more than 100 new cases of coronavirus infection were detected in Austria itself in early July for the first time since May.

Mr. Skvernel himself assured that it was not a matter of closing any activity. “It just came to our attention then. (…) Especially in September, when the holiday ends, if we travel hard and have fun, it can be anything,” said S. Skvernelis, hoping that in the end it would not be. need restrictive measures.

However, such warnings are not convincing for everyone. Compatriots who actively shared conspiracy theories during quarantine continue to spread lies about the alleged real causes of quarantine and self-isolation.

What a lie

As early as July 4, a Facebook user who was actively spreading conspiracy theories, in the guise of Yin Yang, published a terrifying post that allegedly revealed the true intentions of power.

The quarantine was not invented by doctors, but by politicians to get used to the conditions of the slaves and the concentration camp. Self-isolation is a test of obedience for people behind the scenes. People are required to volunteer so that the people themselves are to blame for everything, not the government.

If we now accept total voluntary slavery, we will stay in it forever! We all have free will to choose to enslave or abandon slavery.

This is not a fight against a pandemic. It is a fight against humanity, it is a continuation of a war (which does not seem to have ended in 1945 and continues throughout all these 75 years), the victory of which is planned to be announced and celebrated by the government behind the scenes.

If we now accept total voluntary slavery, we will stay in it forever! We all have free will to choose to enslave or abandon slavery.

This is not a fight against a pandemic. It is a fight against humanity, it is a continuation of a war (which does not seem to have ended in 1945 and continues throughout all these 75 years), the victory of which is planned to be announced and celebrated by the government behind the scenes.

“,” He assured in the uploaded image. This post was shared by more than 300 users in just a few days, and the post was viewed by 31.5 thousand people. together. Similar-style warning stories have been circulating in Estonian groups in Estonian since April.

In fact, the politicians do not “invent” the quarantine, but only announce it, in this case, the Lithuanian government. It has been quarantined in the country since March 16, 2016. March 9 Regulation (EU) No. 182/2011 of the European Parliament and of the Council Articles 25 and 27 of the Union Code on the rules that govern the movement of people across borders (Schengen Borders Code), 2020 March 16 Commission Communication COM (2020) 115 final “COVID-19. Temporary restriction of unnecessary travel to the EU ”, Article 21 (3) (1) of the Law on Prevention and Control of Communicable Diseases of the Republic of Lithuania, Article 21 (2) (1) of the Law on Civil Protection of the Republic of Lithuania and taking into account COVID-19 the Minister of Defense, as well as the Commission for Emergency Situations of the Government of the Republic of Lithuania in 2020. March 14 offer.

In fact, it is the laws that have the highest legal force, adopted by a referendum of the Seimas of the Republic of Lithuania or the nation, which formulate general legal norms aimed at regulating the most important human relations, which have the force highest legal.

The law is considered the main source of law. At that time, statutes, like government resolutions, are legally enacted, specifying them and guaranteeing their compliance. A statute cannot contradict the law.

In addition, an emergency situation has been declared in Lithuania since February 26, when no case of coronavirus has been confirmed in the country. This is what allowed the government to apply measures such as quarantine without separate laws.

According to Egidijus Šileikis, professor of law, on the specialized portal of legal knowledge of the Vilnius University Faculty of Law. March 14 Resolution no. 207 “On the announcement of quarantine in the territory of the Republic of Lithuania” (TAR, 2020-5466) is based on the powers of the Government enshrined in the provisions of two laws (the Law on the Prevention and Control of Communicable Diseases of Beings Human, as well as the Civil Protection Law).

The claim that quarantine was invented to “bring it closer to the conditions of slaves and the concentration camp” is also false. Slavery was not introduced in Lithuania during the quarantine, and no concentration camps were established. Furthermore, slavery in the country is prohibited by articles 147 and 157 of the Criminal Code of the Republic of Lithuania.

The claim that “self-isolation is a test of people’s obedience behind the scenes” gives a false impression of the very meaning of self-isolation and its causes. The Ministry of Health, and not what the “government behind the scenes” has publicly declared its self-isolation goals, is a key tool in preventing the spread of the coronavirus. This information is available to everyone.

The claim that this is not a fight against a pandemic, but only a “fight against humanity” does not correspond to reality: Lithuania, which introduced quarantine measures, applied them only to its citizens and only on the territory of Lithuania. However, other countries in the world have also applied stricter or milder quarantine measures. In early April, for example, quarantine measures were applied to 3.9 billion. planet population in more than 90 states.

The statement that “this is a continuation of the endless war”, indicating the date, 1945, does not correspond to reality either. This year saw the end of World War II, in which defeat was recognized by Nazi Germany and the Japanese Empire and its allies.


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Member States Law – Lithuania

E. Šileikis. Coronavirus and the Constitution: Quarantine or emergency?

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