The condemned A. Paleckis shook the earth on his comrade


Paleckis, 50, who has already spent seventeen months behind bars in court, will still be able to appeal this ruling.

At the same time, Deimantas Bertauskas, a convicted Vilnius businessman, pleaded guilty and testified against A. Paleckis, was acquitted by the court.

He also wrote the book behind bars

A. Paleckis, who appeared in court with his supporters long before the sentence was announced, time was not wasted. He shared interviews with reporters and his recent book, Handcuffed Thoughts, which he began writing “so as not to be sad while sitting behind bars” when he was arrested.

“The first part of this book are diaries that reflect the prison atmosphere. The other part deals with the methods used to create this case with the help of a pedophile. The third part is my correspondence with relatives, with whom I could not meet and not even call for half a year, ”says A. Paleckis.

Russian tasks performed

The verdict stated that A. Paleckis and D. Bertauskas, performing Russian intelligence tasks, paid money to Russia, free visa to Russia, living space provided there, promise to help establish contacts with the leaders of the United Russia party and help initiate a business. 2017. From February 16 to October 10, 2018, he was spying in Lithuania.

Russian investigators were interested in the possibility of falsifying the health records of Yuri Mel, a Russian national arrested in the January 13 case, to demand a more lenient detention measure.

A. Paleckis received a list of judges, prosecutors and other officials who had examined the case on January 13 and was asked to find out their addresses.

During the next meeting, A. Paleckis received another list of such Lithuanian officials and 6 thousand euros, which he shared with D. Bertauskas. Realizing that such a task could not be accomplished based solely on public sources, it was decided to seek helpers.

The information collected had to be transmitted upon arrival in Russia.

A. Paleckis complied with the confidentiality requirements. He demanded “personal hygiene” from D. Bertauskas: he asked not to mention the surnames when talking about important things, without mentioning the surnames. In Belarus an e-mail box “karavankrabov” (crab caravan) has been created to transmit information.

Although the person who assigned the task to A. Paleckis and D. Bertauskas has not been identified, depending on the nature of the task, it can be stated that he was a former Russian intelligence officer.

Attacked the prosecutor

A. Paleckis calmly agreed that he would be sent to prison again, only a sarcastic smile appeared on his lips.

When asked how journalists evaluate the court verdict, prosecutor Vilma Vidugirienė said she would like to know the court’s motives before evaluating it.

The prosecutor lost a lot of contact with journalists and was immediately attacked by A. Paleckis, who asked her how she felt about hiding a pedophile. The prosecutor, who was unwilling to participate in the discussion, rushed out of the courtroom.

Only Paleckis, who remained with his lawyer, told reporters that the judge had only read the prosecutor’s accusation: “The question arises about the objectivity and independence of the court.

And the prosecutor’s speech is based on the testimony of the pedophile D. Bertauskas. The sequence is that D. Bertauskas, accused of pedophilia, is gossiping about me, then the prosecutor writes it down in the accusation and it becomes a judicial decision ”.

The right to child pornography

D.Bertauskas attended the court hearing accompanied by two armed masked officials.

D.Bertauskas did not remove the black mask that covered his face in the courtroom.

D.Bertauskas was indicted for having pornographic items depicting children in 2018 on August 6. It was established that D.Bertauskas uploaded six electronic files with child pornography to his email account.

This crime is punishable by a fine or a prison term of up to 4 years. On April 4 of this year, the court approved a criminal order imposing a fine of 5,000 euros on Mr. Bertuskas for this crime.

Called a jumble of nonsense

A. Paleckis’s lawyer, Adomas Liutvinskas, reiterated the words of his defendant that the sentence was only an accusation that was transferred to him: “The agents oppressed D. Bertauskas and got what he wanted.

And, in fact, no one collected, collected or transmitted that information.

If it has not been possible to identify who requested the collection of the information, how can you know that it is a Russian explorer?

This verdict is nonsense. I have not seen anything so jovial in my 36-year career as a lawyer.

For me, it is very similar to the decision of the police state court, ”the lawyer told reporters who discussed it.

In the case, the names of famous figures.

According to data from the Prosecutor’s Office, A. Paleckis worked for a foreign state from February 2017 until his arrest in October 2018.

Prosecutors say A. Paleckis and D. Bertauskas were rewarded not only with money for their work. They were promised help to establish contacts with representatives of the Russian political parties, as well as they were promised to find businessmen to finance the activities of two parties: the Socialist Popular Front (SLF) and the Lithuanian People’s Party (LLP).

As a result, several people from these parties were interviewed in the case, including SLF members Andrejus Gorbatenkovas, Pavel Ževžikovas, Leonas Minkevičius, Giedrius Grabauskas, Birutė Dilpšienė, and LLP members Artūras Šidlauskas and Vaidas Prunckus.

Some of their houses were also registered in 2018-2019. In court, these people were questioned as witnesses.
