The coast prepares for the influx of visitors: mayors attract residents and tourists


In preparation for the weekend, the mayors of the coastal region are responsible for ensuring compliance with security measures and the safety of the local population.

According to the mayor of Palanga City Municipality, Šarūnas Vaitkus, officers will patrol in this Lithuanian compound on weekends in summer mode and with reinforced forces.

Feel an increase in flows

“There is already a lot of momentum being felt towards Palanga. Of course, it is possible to drive from the surrounding areas and cities, as people apparently longed for the sea a lot. There are a lot of cars in Palanga, people walk on the beach. If you do good weather, the weekend is guaranteed to be slippery and the weather predicts it will be pleasant. ” said the mayor of Palanga.

S. According to Vaitkus, hotel reservations reached 80 percent on Wednesday. Filling of accommodation establishments. Hotels are expected to be 100% full by the end of the week. The mayor made no secret that the projected influx of guests is alarming.

Šarūnas Vaitkus

Šarūnas Vaitkus

© Municipality of Palanga

“The situation in Easama shows that the numbers are increasing again. Part of our population is elderly, they are very disciplined. During the period in which movement between municipalities was restricted, most of the people who owned real estate in Palanga arrived. But We took all measures and managed to prevent the spread of the virus, ”said Š. Vaitkus, noting that a small city needs only a few cases of coronavirus to significantly worsen the epidemiological situation.

Special attention – to the most visited places.

The mayor of the Klaipėda district, Bronius Markauskas, assured that he does not have great fears, because the visitors do not stay in the territories that belong to the Klaipėda district for a long time. For this reason, the main forces will focus on maintaining the sights.

“Our public order department is already famous in Lithuania, because it has already been punished enough and that control is being carried out. Our most attractive object is the hat of Karklė and Olandas, there it is the greatest attraction. We are not in Nida or Palanga, Klaipėda residents come to us more often and want to come for a few hours and take a walk along the seashore. Our law enforcement department really pays special attention.

It has now been agreed that much more attention will be paid over the weekend. We can already take some restrictions so that we do not allow something, we do not allow someone to travel. But to maintain social distance, to maintain those distances and everything else, it will, it will control, it will patrol and it will watch, ”said B. Markauskas.

Bronius markauskas

Bronius markauskas

© DELFI / Kirill Chekhovsky

The deputy mayor of the Klaip ofda municipality, Arvydas Cesiulis, assured that the situation is being monitored, following the instructions of the Government, and that the additional risks posed by the increase in human flows are being evaluated. According to him, in any case, public order, flows will be monitored by the police and other forces used by the police.

“Although the recreation infrastructure in Klaipeda is developed, we are not in Palanga. This and that situation is different,” he said.

According to A. Cesiulis, the main forces in Klaipėda are currently focused on the organization and efficiency of the vaccination process. Furthermore, as one of the main entrances to Klaipėda is being rebuilt, the intersection of Baltijos avenue and Šilutė highway is being rebuilt, and care is being taken to ensure smooth and convenient access to the city.

Mayors address residents and guests

As the information on the holidays is very new, the owners of the catering and accommodation establishments located in Neringa are assessing the situation and are physically preparing for the reception of the holidaymakers. Some cafes in Neringa are open all year round, they will also be open on weekends, but the food, as specified in the Government’s requirements, will be provided to take away only. From Tuesday to Saturday, Neringa also has a Tourist Information Center, which will provide information to vacationers and offer individual tourist routes.

According to the mayor of Palanga, the large hotels and most of the catering establishments in Palanga were closed during the quarantine. According to Š. Vaitkus, part of the catering establishments that collaborate with the hotels, will open its doors already at the weekend. Some catering establishments will not open yet because they cannot offer full services.

The mayor of the municipality of Neringa, Darius Jasaitis, assured that the municipality is happy with the opportunity to renew local businesses, but at the same time urged residents and guests to take care of safety and not miss the opportunity for vaccination.

Darius jasaitis

Darius jasaitis

© DELFI / Andrius Ufartas

“I am very happy that our municipality is finally open to tourists who yearn for the beach, and the locals will be able to renew their businesses and earn income. And as the weekend approaches, I just want to encourage both the locals and the guests of the city to take the test, follow the quarantine rules, take the necessary precautions, and of course take an interest in the vaccination options and vaccinations as long as they are among the priority groups. and have that opportunity.

I got vaccinated with the AstraZeneca vaccine this week, so I urge others to take care of their safety and that of others, then we will all feel more at ease, both on vacation and when accepting vacationers, ”commented D. Jasaitis.

The mayor of Palanga also addressed the neighbors and guests.

“It is very nice to see everyone who comes, but it is a great request that everyone act very responsibly and protect their own health. Walking in the woods, riding a bike – wow, but there is a great request not to hold celebrations indoors and take everything seriously. It all depends on everyone’s conscience, ”Š emphasized. Silence.

He also spoke about the additional security measures planned for the weekend. And at the same time he made some recommendations to the locals.

“We had an interview with Commissioner Renatas Požėla and we discussed what further actions should be taken. One of them is that it will start working in summer mode. There will be significantly more officials in Palanga who will monitor the whole situation in public spaces. It is the people who You must be aware that on Basanavičiaus street, next to the bridge, on the bridge, the people themselves would be aware, they would keep their distance, if they did not go out to maintain a distance of two meters to have a mask.

The next thing will be to control what the situation is in food supermarkets, because there can also be congestion. I urge locals to shop for essentials before Saturday.

The police will patrol everywhere and react very harshly to one thing: the private housing sector, which rents flats, villas, flats, so that the owners make it very clear that government orders are being carried out that only one home can be United. If the police notice or receive complaints about having fun at night, very strict measures will be taken. Parties and businesses are sources that can leave bad gifts for locals after that, ”Š said. Silence.

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