The coalition agreement has been signed: the partners take over the portfolio


Photo by Vladimir Ivanovo (V)

Three center-right parties sign a new coalition agreement. Talk about what the coalition is going to implement during the next term. In addition, important issues were agreed for each of the partners, on which a consensus was not reached, so the parties that have to travel to the Seimas must seek their approval. The coalition is now the spokesperson for the division of responsibilities in the future government.

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On Monday, Gabrielius Landsbergis, president of the Lithuanian Christian National-Democratic Union (TS-LKD), Viktorija milyt-Nielsen, leader of the Liberal Seat (LS), and Aurin Armonait, leader of the Liberal Party (LP), signed an agreement of coalition last week. It was approved by the three governing bodies of the parties over the weekend.

You can find the full coalition agreement here.

Proportionality and competition

The partners pledge to support the coalition government led by the Conservative-led company Ingrida.

The political positions of responsibility of the Seimas and of the Government are divided on the basis of the principles of competence and impeccable reputation and taking into account a proportional representation in the Seimas. The final distribution of positions will be established in an additional agreement specified in the contract.

During the negotiations, it is expected to give greater weight to the positions of the Prime Minister and the Speaker of the Seimas.

The coalition has a total of 74 seats: 50 of them belong to the TS-LKD, 13 to the Liberals and 11 to the LP.

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Representatives of the coalition partner will soon begin negotiations on who will fill the positions of president of the Seimas, other heads of parliament and ministers. They are expected to be completed by this Friday, when the first session of the new Seimas will take place, where the head of parliament must be elected.

value principles are approved

The coalition treaty commits to avoiding the policy ban, not recklessly increasing financial debt, raising moral and ethical standards to make its activities even more legal, demanding zero tolerance for corruption, not rushing to protect legislation, protect and strengthen the right of the constitutional media to receive and disseminate information.

Reach the National Agreement on Education as soon as possible, expand digitization, create friends in the workplace, implement the reform of business access institutions, adhere to the principles of nature-friendly policy, strengthen Lithuania’s energy independence , develop the economy.

We will create a convenient, accessible and high quality health system, at the national level, resistant to health for the population, without discriminating against private health facilities, as established in the agreement.

We will make it possible to implement the pilot online voting in 2023. in the elections of the municipal council and / or in the Lithuanian world constituency of the Seimas in 2024. In the elections of the Seimas, he also states.

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The document establishes that changes in the tax system will only be considered once the coalition has agreed on the scope of public sector commitments in the areas of public services, infrastructure, defense, exchange rate and economic transformation to ensure financing of the agreed model. as long as labor taxes are not increased.

It is planned to give more power to self-government.

The coalition agreement sets the short-term works separately. This is the management of the coronavirus situation, planned for 2021. and additional investments, the outright blockade of the unsafe Astrava nuclear power plant and preparations for a repeat referendum on a constitutional amendment to justify multiple citizenship, which could coincide with the 2024 resolution. presidential elections.

That is what will fit into the government’s program.

Under the agreement, the start of the preparation of the Government program will include, among other things, such provisions for research and experimental development in 2024. 1.5% of GDP, to carry out IT skills training in the schools as an integral component of all subjects, teacher salaries must reach at least 130% of average salary (VMU) and academic staff 150% of VMU, flexibility of maternity and paternity leave, e-health Improve the system by abandoning paper documents by 2023, allowing doctors to decide more freely the treatment methods, the necessary research and the most appropriate prescription for patients.

The future government will also commit itself in its program to redefine the objectives of the state institutions, to carry out an analysis of advantages and disadvantages of the municipal right to issue bonds for projects, to evaluate the possibility of changing the corporate income tax through exemption from taxes on reinvested earnings, to waive subsidies and benefits from fossil fuels.

Issues on which there is no consensus

In addition, the signed coalition agreement contains important provisions for individual coalition partners, on which there is no consensus.

These include ensuring public dismantling, justifying personal names on the main page of the document in all Latin letters, prohibiting commercial fishing in inland waterways, allowing media representatives to obtain information on legal entities free of charge from the Registration Center, abolish criminal liability for psychoactive media. amendments to justify a gender neutral association, ratification of the Istanbul Convention by the Seimas; justification.

The parties agree that the coalition partners will do their best to ensure that these issues are rationally adopted and implemented in accordance with the agreement.

However, each party for whom these issues are relevant should check the support for their implementation in the Seimas during the discussions.

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