The closing mayor Raseiniai warns: the behavior of the population must change, otherwise two weeks will be only the beginning


“We are already living in an improved quarantine mode: teleworking, teleworking. As of Friday, inspections will also be tightened when going to supermarkets or stores to maintain the requirement of 10 square meters per customer. We will control even more to maintain the requirements. distances in public transport, disinfect seats ”, says the mayor of the Raseiniai district in the program“ Delfi diena ”.

According to him, a larger force of police will also be mobilized to ensure compliance with the restrictions.

“More than a week ago, additional police forces were deployed, two additional crews were sent to the municipality to monitor those who are in self-isolation and how our decisions to collect and use masks are being carried out. I think the introduction of the quarantine will mobilize even more forces, ”says A. Bautronis.

According to the mayor, there will be no restrictions on entering or leaving the Raseiniai district at the moment, but residents should assess the risk themselves and, if possible, avoid such trips.

“When entering or leaving, we must first assess the danger, if we need to. So far we have no restrictions, freedom of movement has been left, control mechanisms are not being considered, unless after a week we see a very large flow of people going to or coming from Raseiniai, then maybe we will take action, ”he says.

If the situation does not improve after two weeks, the mayor says that the government will be asked to extend the quarantine: “If we have the same situation after two weeks, we will ask for the quarantine to continue. If the situation improves, we can talk about the end. “

Raseiniai from a bird's eye view

Raseiniai from a bird’s eye view

© DELFI (Photograph by B. Davidonytė)

A. Bautronis believes that the number of infected people in the district is also growing due to the fact that residents are skeptical about the call for investigation.

“Those cases are not decreasing, because possibly people who are even sick or experiencing symptoms continue to walk through society and perhaps spread the disease without knowing it.” This massive population survey would help prevent the spread of the disease more quickly, ”says the mayor.

„[Žmonės] I have my own beliefs that this is not true, a pre-election stunt devised by the authorities, as they call it, I don’t know why the Lithuanian elections affect the whole world. We have to regret it, “adds A. Bautronis.

Entrepreneurs count losses

According to the mayor, the introduction of quarantine will facilitate compensation for losses and entrepreneurs.

“We agreed to introduce quarantine to be able to legally compensate for business and public sector losses. <…> I think we will start talking to the government from Monday on whether our businessmen can start counting the losses ”, says A. Bautronis.

Dalia Lukauskienė, president of the Raseiniai branch of the Lithuanian Association of Small Entrepreneurs and Traders, says that currently the situation of some entrepreneurs is very difficult.

“There are places where a person has not sold anything in three weeks. If this continues for a long time, it is a problem ”, says D. Lukauskienė.

“The quarantine has not yet been announced, but some people got sick, others were scared, there was a decrease in buyers. Entrepreneurs worked” zero “or even less,” he says.

According to D. Lukauskienė, already during the spring quarantine there were businessmen who stopped their activities or had to change them.

According to her, private companies encourage employees to conduct research to prevent the disease from spreading in the workplace. However, not everyone is in a rush to investigate.

“There are no diseases in our team, where I am, there are no families, we just don’t see the need. We feel good, maybe that’s why we just don’t go,” says the president of the Raseiniai branch of the Association of Small Entrepreneurs and Traders the program “Delfi diena”.

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