The changes in the center angered the famous Vilnius residents: the joy of life was not killed by the coronavirus, but circular traffic will make it 100 percent


Irena Marozienė, owner of the Amatininkų užeiga restaurant in Vilnius, was not indifferent to these changes. The woman who established a business in the center of Vilnius was surprised by this idea and wondered who needed it.

“The coronavirus did not kill the joy of living in the old town, but the circular traffic is 100 percent,” the famous woman did not hide on Facebook.

“I wonder how vendors will transport goods, except by car, but now I will be able to greet the President every night, pray at the Cathedral and even St. In the Church of Santa Ana. Increase traffic jams on German, Dominican and Maironis. Striving to tear down our beloved churches faster from pollution and vibration. At the moment, the old town is “separating” from tourists, it is impossible to traverse them, he laughed. “So, Lithuanians, don’t you dare go. to the old town. “

“PAGS. S. designers should buy a trip to Monaco,” added the businesswoman.

I. Marozienė added a photo showing the changes in traffic to his frustrating post.

Saugirdas Vaitulionis, a public relations specialist, also expressed his opinion on circular traffic in the central part of the capital, which came into effect on Tuesday. The famous man did not hide that he was also not fascinated by this innovation, even, on the contrary, he was outraged.

Listen, does that loop traffic in the old town seem pointless to me? I am still very interested, for example, in how product suppliers transport products to restaurants. I feel like I’m carrying boxes after a one kilometer walk. I’m not even talking about the incredible comfort for residents.

And I suspect it will be like with green tables: low heads will bring everything back. But really, and who needed this nonsense? Here for what, what has improved? I understand everything that is necessary to reduce traffic in the old town, but why not do it carefully and appropriately? ”, Wrote S. Vaitulionis in his account on the social network.

Delphi Remember that to prevent drivers from getting lost, the Vilnius City Municipality changed almost 800 signs since Tuesday, and in some places restricted traffic through the use of special pylons.

With the change in traffic regulations, visitors and residents of the old town will continue to be able to drive to their homes, workplaces and attractions, but will not be able to cross the old town.

The decision to introduce circular traffic regulation was made to reduce transit traffic. Currently, traffic traffic in the heart of Vilnius represents 40 percent, and in the morning, up to 70 percent.

According to the ELTA news agency, disobedient drivers are promised to be restrained with the help of special cameras. At the end of the summer, about 60 will appear in its old town.

It is true, for now, drivers will be warned of violations, but not punished. However, the Vilnius city municipality emphasized that it had already agreed with the city police to monitor violations.

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