The chain was stripped and left to die: the former volunteer who carried out the execution was overwhelmed by cynicism


Sentenced to fourteen years in prison for murdering the father of two young children, T. Vansevičius, who has been repeatedly decorated with NATO officers as an intelligence officer for serving in the Lithuanian Armed Forces, paid just 41 thousand euros to the family of an ex-soldier murdered in more than nine years, although his conscience should be more than 33. Eur.

However, the murderer incarcerated in Pravieniškės prison believes that he is still trustworthy and will continue to live in freedom, not in prison. There is almost a year and a half left until the imprisonment imposed on T. Vansevičius ends, so he meets the conditions provided for by law and could be released on parole. That position was taken by the Equal Release Commission of the Pravieniškės Prison, but the judges did not share the opinion expressed by its members, who were dismayed by the cynical attitude of T. Vansevičius towards the family of the murdered soldier.

“The convicted person justifies the non-payment of the amount awarded by prioritizing child support, he affirms that children are the most important thing to him,” said the panel of judges chaired by Judge Svetlana Jurgaitienė. – Although, in the judgment of the jury, the attitude of the convicted person towards the welfare of his children and the satisfaction of their interests is commendable, the convicted person does not take sufficient account of the interests of the children of the murdered child who have been granted no -Pecuniary damage by court ruling. According to the convicted person, his own children cannot go hungry until he has served the prison sentence imposed on him, but it should be noted that the convicted person left the other person’s children without breadwinner, obviously underestimated and not justifies your expectations. . “

Thus, the judges ruled that T. Vansevičius would not have to be released yet: the execution of the sentence, previous convictions and other relevant circumstances must provide sufficient grounds to believe that the convicted person has repaired and will not commit new crimes in the future. , the sentencing objectives at the sentencing site have been met to the extent that he can continue to be paroled. “

Tomas Vansevičius

Tomas Vansevičius

© DELFI / Dainius Sinkevičius

According to the court, T. Vansevičius was promoted 15 times in the correctional institution, but the correction of his behavior was not constant: he was punished even 6 times for committing various violations. These violations include illegal possession of articles, consumption of alcoholic beverages and their substitutes.

“T. Vansevičius cannot comply with the law and respect the rights of other members of society, ”the court emphasized.

Dismissing the murderer’s request for his release, the judges also took into account the fact that T. Vansevičius is serving his sentence for having even committed several crimes, which belong to the categories of very serious, serious and minor crimes.

“The crimes he committed violated the human right to life, health and liberty; one of the crimes committed by the convicted person had irreversible consequences and this undoubtedly indicates a greater danger of the convicted person to society ”, – the panel chaired by Judge S. Jurgaitienė pointed out that although the seriousness of the crimes committed cannot be assessed, it is not prohibited.

“The severity and nature of the crimes committed allow a more stringent assessment of the circumstances relevant to parole,” the court said. “Such a conclusion is based on the need to respect not only the interests of the convicted person, but also the public interest of ensuring that the perpetrator is punished fairly.”

Furthermore, according to the judges, T. Vansevičius is serving a custodial sentence for crimes committed under the influence of alcohol, and his murderer did not stop using bars: he was transferred from the light group to the regular group for committing these offenses. . Furthermore, the convicted T. Vansevičius justifies the consumption of alcohol “.

According to the judges, although the convict has already served most of the custodial sentence imposed on him, three dynamic criminogenic factors have so far been identified: alcohol abuse, alcohol-related violent behavior and impulsive behavior.

Associative photo

Associative photo

© DELFI / Orestas Gurevičius

“Among other things, according to the conclusion of the Social Investigation, the convicted T. Vansevičius does not admit guilt for the crimes committed, which, in the opinion of the panel of judges, is a very important circumstance. Prison, the court stressed. – One A person who does not admit his guilt for the crimes committed or admits them in part cannot perceive the criminal nature of his acts, considers the punishment imposed not as a deserved consequence of such conduct but as a kind of stigmatization, unlawful coercion against him. The denial of the guilt of T. Vansevičius shows that he does not understand the consequences and even more so the damage to society. “

The conviction for the intentional murder of T. Vansevičius was announced in 2012, he was imprisoned for fourteen years. Along with him, his comrades in arms Laimutis Brazaitis (b. 1988) and Vincas Baliūnas (b. 1981) were convicted.

The struck chain was stripped and left on a pile of branches.

T. Vansevičius, L. Brazaitis and V. Baliūnas, who had served in the mission abroad, were convicted due to an incident in the Vilkaviškis district, when men brutally murdered a service friend Giedrius Adomavičius while celebrating the Armed Force Day. .

According to the case data, on November 23, 2010, soldiers intoxicated with alcohol on the shores of Lake Paežeris came into conflict with G. Adomavičius – allegedly criticizing V. Baliūnas for having served in the army for less time and had already a higher sergeant rank. Also, as V. Baliūnas pointed out, the G. Adomavičius network called it “sublime”.

V. Baliūnas claimed that then the victim began to curse and began to hit, but managed to avoid the blow.

The men described the subsequent circumstances of the incident differently, but it was established that G. Adomavičius was struck immediately: at least six strokes were struck in the head area and on other occasions he was struck elsewhere on the body. After that, all the soldiers loaded the victim into the trunk of the car and took him to the forest.

Laimutis Brazaitis, Vincas Baliūnas and Tomas Vansevičius

Laimutis Brazaitis, Vincas Baliūnas and Tomas Vansevičius

© DELFI / Paulius Garkauskas

After taking him out of the trunk, the convicts carried out an execution: they took off G. Adomavičius’s outer clothing, as a result of which the low ambient temperature caused him to hypothermia and he intentionally hit the victim with multiple blows, at least seven blows to the head and at least twelve blows to other parts of the body.

According to the court, while beating for a long time and causing many injuries, leaving G. Adomavičius at the scene caused him great suffering and pain. The chain died three days later.

It is true that G. Adomavičius’s soldiers, who had been left naked in the forest, had returned while searching for the lost documents, but they did not help G. Adomavičius, who was lying on a heap of branches.

“No one was going to kill him, you just had to teach him”

T. Vansevičius, who never admitted guilt, explained in court that the soldiers did not intend to kill G. Adomavičius.

“It just came to our knowledge then fingervčina – no one surpasses it, it is only the humiliation of a soldier, – T. Vansevičius, who was considered a promising soldier, explained about the non-statutory relations in the army of independent Lithuania. – He had to undress and walk, and the next morning he came to the quarter to write a request to transfer to another platoon. That’s the case for those who don’t follow the rules, we solve them quickly, because when you go on a mission like that, he immediately starts scolding you. “

T. Vansevičius also explained that he was not guilty of the chain’s murder and that he could prove it by checking with a polygraph.

“I still agree to verify with a lie detector and answer all questions, but not those related to the intelligence and rapid response duties of NATO, everything is secret,” he explained in court.

At that time, the court determined that Private V. Baliūnas was the initiator of the event: a conflict was provoked between him and victim G. Adomavičius due to a pretext of insignificant reason. And its beginning took place much earlier due to his previous relations with the National Defense Service, when V. Baliūnas was awarded the rank of sergeant.

“The fact that the victim G. Adomavičius insultingly characterized V. Baliūnas as an inappropriate word, used without censorship, cannot be recognized as a serious insult or provocative behavior, regardless of how this circumstance is understood during military service”, stated the court. “The facts of the case confirm that the convicts used the revenge of G. Adomavičius as revenge for the” misconduct “of the latter.”

According to the judges who heard the criminal case, the three soldiers, when hitting the victim in vital parts of the body, realized that they were endangering his life, anticipated that he could take his life and, although they did not want to take it, They deliberately allowed such consequences to occur.

“The violence against the victim lasted a long time, many blows from the hands and feet to vital parts of the body, head and body, the victim was beaten lying down, injured, unable to defend himself and resist; After some time they returned to the place to look for their belongings and saw the lying victim, even so they did not call an ambulance, they did not try to avoid serious consequences, after the crime T. Vansevičius called the police and, knowing all the circumstances of the crime. incident, they misled the police officers to hide the actual course of events, ”the court declared.

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