The center of Vilnius will be decorated with another exceptional building, it only remains to choose one of the two offered


“Both competing jobs are completely different concepts, therefore the commission will have an easy task in deciding in which direction the work should continue, either maintaining the integrity of the complex or creating a broader connection of the complex with its surrounding environment “says Julius Niedvaras, director of Eastnine Lithuania.

The first work of the competition is a solid 18-story object, the facade of which creates the impression of lightness. The exterior solutions of the object are not only adapted to the existing complex “3 Sails”, but are also integrated into the current complex and the surrounding environment. The object is multifunctional, its total area does not exceed 18 thousand. kv. m, of which the office space is more than 10 thousand. kv. m, and area of ​​commerce and restoration – more than 3 thousand. kv. subway.

The second work in competition is a 17-storey object divided into separate volumes, the steps of which merge into the architectural hill formed on the right bank of the River Neris from the east side. This project also connects the business center area and the adjacent timber heritage using timber structural elements. The object is also multifunctional. Its total area slightly exceeds 18 thousand. kv. m, of which more than 10 thousand. kv. m consists of more than a thousand office space. kv. m occupies area of ​​commerce and restoration.

The works are available at the third hole “candle” on Lvovo street. 25, Vilnius or on the company’s website.

The objective of the competition announced at the end of April is to select the best architectural solution for the construction of the fourth “sail”, complementing the complex that currently consists of three skyscrapers. The meeting of the tender commission is scheduled for 2021. On July 19, thereafter, the works of the authors of the competition will also be published. The winner must be announced the next day, with whom a design contract will be signed and the work of the contest will be further improved until its final completion.

The new project is to fit into a business center in the prestigious Vilnius district, on the Neris embankment. The construction of the fourth “sail” is planned on the territory of the current above-ground parking.

Both submitted proposals responded to the main task of the competition: the best architectural solution according to the design program, examining the possibilities of a new development, creating connections with the existing buildings and Dragon Meadow Square.

The “3 Velas” business complex currently consists of three buildings with 17, 23 and 24 floors. The skyscrapers are characterized not only by their exceptional location, unusual candle architecture and unique construction method, but also by a responsible approach to the surrounding environment and the well-being of those who work in the business center. Kone 60 thousand. kv. m complex has been assessed with LEED Platinum and LEED O&M Platinum certificates, confirming the implementation of all first-class environmental requirements.
