The cemetery of the embryos abandoned after the abortion, with the names of women who did not want to give birth, unworthy Italy


Until recently, women whose aborted embryos were in them were not even aware of the existence of such cemeteries. The Italians claim that they were not asked about the burial or the name of the embryos.

Now more than 100 of these women have joined in and are taking legal action. They demand that the organizers of such actions be made public.

The scandal has clearly spread. Abortions were legalized in Italy four decades ago, but it is still difficult for women to legally terminate their pregnancies, and tensions have been compounded by the discovery that there are dozens of such embryo cemeteries, also known as “fields of angels.” “.

Scanpix / PA Wire / Photo by Press Association Images / Cemetery of embryos left after abortion in Rome

Scanpix / PA Wire / Photo by Press Association Images / Cemetery of embryos left after abortion in Rome

Serious invasion of privacy

These graves are created by ultra-conservative anti-abortion organizations, but opponents of the “fields of angels” argue that this stigmatizes abortion and denies a woman’s right to choose what to do.

It is true that the Prima Porta cemetery is exceptional in this case because it names the women who have had an abortion. That they existed became clear in early October when Marta Loi decided to find out what happened to the embryo that remained after her abortion.

Loi soon tells on Facebook about the outrage at learning that the embryo was buried in Rome and his name on the cross: “Without my consent, someone buried my son under the cross, a Christian symbol that does not belong to me.”

S.Agatone: This is a way of punishing women by instilling guilt in them. A cross with your last name makes you think that you are almost dead.

Silvana Agatone, founder and director of the Italian Association of Abortion Physicians LAIFA, said a few days later that the cemetery is “a very serious invasion of privacy because many women do not tell their friends and family about the procedure.”

“It is a way of punishing women by instilling guilt on them. The cross with your last name makes you think you are almost dead,” said S. Agatone.

Italian Senate member Monica Cirinna Politico also stated: “Every woman who terminates a pregnancy has the right to choose whether and how to bury the embryo. These are completely personal decisions that cannot be doubted ”.

“Scanpix” swimr./Monica Cirinna

According to Cirinna, such actions testify to the world’s visible attack on women’s rights: “Even today, a woman’s body is a battlefield. The rights of women to choose whether they want to be mothers or not are being attacked by everywhere because of such silent but insidious initiatives. “

There are catholic groups

Abortion has been legal in Italy since 1978, but conservative groups in society, both the Church and politicians, continue to firmly oppose abortion.

A similar situation is observed in many other countries, but observers say that the situation is exceptional in Italy, where the Catholic Church is truly deeply rooted in the main institutions of the country and acts effectively enough to restrict the rights of women. to terminate a pregnancy.

Suppose that many doctors who have the right to abort refuse to do so. These doctors, 69%, in southern Italy, even 80%. This means that procedures are often delayed.

Scanpix / PA Wire / Photo by Press Association Images / Cemetery of embryos left after abortion in Rome

Scanpix / PA Wire / Photo by Press Association Images / Cemetery of embryos left after abortion in Rome

Also, lower-ranking doctors fear their careers. According to Agatone, hospital wards often refuse to hire doctors who are not opposed to abortion. It is true that the Italian Ministry of Health does not see the problem, since the number of abortions in the country is decreasing.

Elisa Ercoli, leader of the activist group Differenza Donna, which represents 130 women whose names have appeared on the cross in the Prima Porta cemetery, still says that the “fields of angels” are a symbol of the obstacles faced by women seeking exercise your right to abortion in Italy. “.

“There are so many opponents of abortion among doctors that services guaranteed by law are not available. Many women in hospitals are humiliated because doctors refuse to help them, even if it hurts. These women are extradited by the state, ”says E. Ercoli.

Stefano di Battista: We never name women. Anonymity is a very important principle for us. We do not act because we fight against the right to abortion, we are not interested in the crusades.

Under a law passed in 1990, a woman has the right to demand an embryo and bury it within 24 hours. But in the absence of such a requirement, the responsibility for the embryo passes to the local health authorities, who must transport the fruit and bury it.

In recent decades, this arrangement has been increasingly disrupted by Catholic organizations offering to bury aborted embryos on their own. The most famous of these organizations, Diferende la vita con Maria, has 3,000 members. members and has already buried more than 200,000. embryos.

On its website, the organization offers to donate: “Only 20 euros, and you will help cover the expenses of the funeral of the fetus.”

Stefano di Battista, spokesperson for Diferende la vita con Maria, said the organization was not currently active in Rome. But in other cities, activists collect embryos once a month from hospitals with which they have agreed and bury them in a short ceremony.

“But we never name women. Anonymity is a very important principle for us. We do not act because we fight against the right to abortion, we are not interested in the crusades.

Photo by Scanpix / Cemetery of embryos left after abortion in Rome

Photo by Scanpix / Cemetery of embryos left after abortion in Rome

We simply believe that the funeral of respectful children who have never come to this world is the foundation of civilization, ”says S. Di Battista.

Press the Minister of Health

Of course, Catholic groups can be responsible for the “fields of angels.” But they certainly could not continue to operate calmly without political support at both the regional and national levels.

For example, in 2007 in Lombardy, the center-right and conservative administration of the center determined that all embryos remaining after abortion should be buried in a specific cemetery. Similar rules have been established in several other regions.

It is true that last year similar far-right Italian brothers in central Lazio ended in failure, and the radical Italian liberal party condemned “psychological violence against women.”

Interestingly, only embryos that were aborted after 20 weeks of gestation are buried; in such cases, abortions are only allowed when the health or life of the mother is in danger.

“There is a desire in the genes of the political right to return to the patriarchal culture, to a time when women were not liberated. But the debate is broader and not just about political parties, women have been fighting for abortion rights since 1978, ”says Ercoli.

It is not yet clear who published the names of the women who aborted in the Prima Porta cemetery. Interestingly, only embryos that were aborted after 20 weeks of gestation are buried; in such cases, abortions are only allowed when the health or life of the mother is in danger.

Both the hospital, which has signed a contract with the cemetery, and the Ama company, which manages the cemetery under an agreement with the city of Rome, are bombing; the latter says that there was no contact with women.


AFP / “Scanpix” swimr./Roberto Speranza

But an investigation into the privacy violation has already been launched and Health Minister Roberto Speranza is being invited to speak about the scandal in parliament.

Politicians on the left are trying to take advantage of this incident. A group of members of the Lazio regional administration is calling for a new law on the transport and burial of embryos, which would require the explicit consent of women.

However, Ercoli goes on to argue that the Prima Porta cemetery scandal only testifies to the need for broader reform: “Obstacles to abortion are tolerated because it is supposedly a woman’s problem. After 40 years, the fight is not over. “
