The cakes made in Panevėžys are true works of art: people travel 200 kilometers thanks to them


Jūratė said that it was French pastries that fascinated just 5 years ago. French pastries, according to Jūratė, were unusual and tasteless, so I was careful to try them for myself. However, her friendship with cakes began when she was a child, when her mother Jūrate and her brother were allowed to rotate together in the kitchen. “My mother never said she would fail. It allowed mixing, baking, experimenting ”, the woman recalls.

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PHOTO GALLERY. Because of the pastels reminiscent of works of art, people also travel 200 kilometers

The new flavors and recipes were first appreciated by Jūratė’s family, friends and colleagues, who did not skimp on praise and compliments. Then the people of Panevėžys also got requests to bake cakes for the holidays, so on weekends and after work they were busy in the kitchen, but admits that sometimes he had to go to work after falling asleep only a few hours.

“There were still doubts about when I would dive into the sweet sea. One holiday he came up with the idea that maybe it’s time. After all, it’s better to try and know that you’ve failed than to do nothing. Today, I think a sufficiently spontaneous decision was the correct one, ”Jūratė recalled the start of the business.

Previously, Jūratė worked as a personnel manager in a metal engineering company. The woman, who radically changed her profession, said she did not experience any difficulties even at the beginning of the business: Jūratė calls it success, but it is no secret that the most delicious cakes are those made with love. Perhaps that is why Jūratė’s business is accompanied by success today: “Probably the option here is when you say: find a dear job and you won’t have to work,” joked the baker.

The cakes also come from far corners of Lithuania

Jūratė said that desserts reminiscent of works of art are the fruit of fantasy and creativity. The woman loves colors but tries not to overload the pastel with details. “I have the most amazing clients who trust me and give me total freedom. Sometimes they send a sample, but we always change something, revealed Jūratė.

Jūratė cakes won not only the hearts of the people of Panevėžys. Sometimes people come from far corners of Lithuania for the delicacies it produces, and the bride is not afraid of long distances at all: “The furthest was probably from Klaipeda. Desserts brought for weddings. Others came to collect Šilutė’s cake for his birthday. I asked 3 times if he would really come, but I came, ”joked Panevėžys.

Due to the pastels that are reminiscent of works of art, people also travel 200 kilometers

Such distances traveled by clients, according to Jūratė, always pleasantly surprise her, and newlyweds who often buy wedding cakes become regulars: “After the wedding party, our friendship often continues: they ask for each other. cakes for christenings, children’s birthdays, other celebrations “.

All the ingredients are natural

According to Jūratė, Lithuanians like cakes with a lighter and fresher taste. Especially popular are light cheesecakes, which are ordered without occasion, and the most common flavors for the cakes are chosen: passion fruit and mango. Women get these flavors from fruit purees, and other ingredients in baked goods are only natural.

Because of the pastels reminiscent of works of art, people also travel 200 kilometers

“I only use natural creams, chemical sprays, additives, stabilizers or flavor enhancers – they just don’t exist. If you need a little flavor, I add fruit puree ”, revealed Jūratė.

Sometimes at work, Jūratė also faces unusual challenges. One of them: a four-flavored cake that weighs 24 kilograms. For a bakery of this size, it was not only necessary to make a special tray that would hold such weight, but also to come up with a way to get it out.

“Only after making the cake and preparing to deliver it did the dilemma arise: Will it fit through the door? Fortunately, the place had three doors. One almost barely managed to get the cake out. The adrenaline was enough for a long time,” Jūratė recalled.
