The business idea was dictated by motherhood: it was opened during a pandemic and products also travel to the United States.


Only after joining the conversation, the two women immediately confess in good faith: “We tend to call this activity not a business, but a project, but the story of the appearance of our MB” Su ragiukais “- a classic,” – modestly.

Sandra says that women were known from school days and that they had their firstborns only ten days apart.

“About half a year later, when we were both raising children, we realized we wanted something a little more or to try something new.

This is how the idea behind the thought was developed and thus the idea of ​​our knitted products for babies was born, which we are still rolling up and we think that with the second child that is born we will expand this idea even more, because there are thoughts, it only takes time , investment and win ”, he explains.

The women registered their activity under the name “Capricorn Baby” in the fall of 2019, but began working only a year later.

The founders of Baby Capricorn Indre and Sandra

Baby Capricorn co-founders Indre and Sandra

© Photo from personal album

“For a year we worked on the product from the idea until we received what satisfied us, and three or four months ago we began to offer the product to customers.

Of course, the moment was not entirely favorable, we planned to present our products at fairs, live, when any customer’s question could be answered, but, unfortunately, we had to reorient ourselves towards e-commerce ”, says Indrė on how to start a business during a pandemic.

They themselves say that they do not weave sweaters and rugs and although from the beginning they considered this type of handicraft products, the idea was abandoned.

“All the product is woven by machine. A company that offers weaving services in Kaunas manufactures products for us ”, says Indr asegura and mentions the reasons for that choice.

“First of all, it is the time from the order to its implementation, because if a person wants a handmade sweater, they need to want a long time and wait a long time. Of course, the product will be made exclusively for the baby, but you will have to wait.

There is also a lot of negotiation, it offers options, combination of patterns, measurements and finally the fabric itself.

The second reason is that hand weaving is very expensive work and the women who knitted for us greatly underestimated their manual work. We didn’t want such, so to speak, exploitation of people, ”he says, but adds that the company’s products are probably Lithuanian.

According to them, when ordering products, the customer does not have to wait long, because the range is standardized and they do not accept individual orders.

It is true that although knitting was an idea for foreign markets from the beginning, both Lithuanians and foreigners liked it. Today many of them must also be shipped to England and Germany, because sales are also made through the international craft and vintage trading platform Etsy.

“Yesterday we sent a package to the United States, so we could have already put the pins in our map.

In a short time, in a month and a half, abroad gives us an answer to our products and products ”, Sandra smiles and explains that today they see a lot of potential in foreign markets.

“We do it, we try and we learn,” he adds.

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