The British compared Lithuanian prison to hell


A British citizen who served a prison sentence for fraud in Lithuania shared his experience of incarceration in his homeland; according to the man, he was considered the most violent criminal in a hellish prison.

Penitentiary center in Lithuania.  Photo from the Department of Prisons /

Penitentiary center in Lithuania. Photo by the Department of Prisons /

Guy Jane (54) was convicted in Vilnius last year for fraud, illegal activities and forgery of documents while operating in a group of accomplices. According to the case data, the Lithuanian-based company Atostogų sandėlis in Lithuania sold 126 tickets to various foreign resorts in 2010-2011, but did not provide services.

Similarly, during the same period, clients were misled by another promotions company Amber, which he runs, according to the record.

The victims who paid the money and were left without rest suffered a total of around 117 thousand. EUR (at that time – around 400,000 LTL), the companies went bankrupt and the Lithuanian businessman disappeared.

Confessed and repentant

After several years of searching, he was arrested in the United Kingdom, where he was deprived of his liberty, and in December 2019, the suspect was transferred to Lithuania and faced a trial in which he confessed his crimes and regretted them, although prosecutors they questioned the circumstance.

Last fall, he was sentenced to 4 years and 4 months in prison, ordered to pay about 70 thousand. EUR losses.

Guy Jane is now on the run and lives in Cornwall. Last week, a local news portal published a story about the man, who told the press about the Lithuanian prison and compared it to a concentration camp.

“The judge who convicted me was a younger man, he came to court drunk, sweating and cursing.

“What condemned me was a complete series of lies,” said the Briton.

“Like Auschwitz”

He also spoke of the place where he was awaiting a sentence: the Šiauliai Detention Center.

“It was minus 15 degrees there, freezing. The hole in the floor is a toilet that stinks terribly.

I lost 22 pounds, I was never examined by a doctor, I suffered from mental health problems.

Most of the people in prison spoke Russian, I don’t understand that language, so I kept my distance.

The most brutal pedophiles and murderers stayed with me. I was once taken to a cell where, as I later found out, child abusers were incarcerated, so I was considered one of them.

People use drugs that enter cells through broken windows, cooling them down.

There were constant fights, one day a Turk hit me for no reason, he left me without teeth.

Everyone there is corrupt. They only allowed me to shower once a week until I bought the cigarettes on duty.

There you had to buy toilet paper yourself, and the food was below disgust, no one could eat it. I fed him the pasta and hot dogs I bought for the money I sent.

It was like Auschwitz, ”the British compared the Lithuanian prison to the infamous concentration camp.

Prepare a lawsuit against Lithuania

According to him, many young prisoners in captivity are trying to commit suicide, but nobody cares.

Guy Jane was released on February 17 of this year when “another judge acquitted him.” According to him, the man who has returned to his homeland is now trying to regain his lost health and is preparing a lawsuit against the Lithuanian state for inhumane conditions of incarceration.

“The main head of the companies was a Maltese national, and when the lawsuit was opened, Malta refused to extradite him to Lithuania due to poor prison conditions, which put all the blame on me,” the man said.

He did not deny that he was a shareholder in the aforementioned companies, and found himself in Lithuania in 2009 due to the job offered him by a “friend”.

In this case, in 2017 the Lithuanian Nerijus Ereminas was convicted, who during the trial admitted that the companies established themselves with a preliminary plan to deceive people of the fraud.

Angelo Franko Spiter, a Maltese and Australian citizen, could not be charged because he was not extradited to Lithuania.
