The Brazilian president has threatened to withdraw his country from the WHO.


“I tell you now: The United States has abandoned the WHO and we are investigating [tokią pačią galimybę] for the future. Either the WHO will work without ideological bias, or we will resign, “the far-right leader told reporters during the presidency.

Called “Tropical Short,” Bolsonaro responded to the coronavirus pandemic in a similar way to the American leader: He downplayed the problem, criticized state authorities for strict quarantine measures, and praised chloroquine and hydroxychloroquine antimalarials as effective medications for COVID- 19.

Trump said a week ago that the United States was severing ties with the WHO, accusing it of unfairly favoring China in the wake of a fierce dispute between Washington and Beijing over the outbreak of the coronavirus outbreak and efforts to contain it.

Bolsonaro said the WHO had not accidentally reversed its decision to suspend clinical trials of hydroxychloroquine in patients with COVID-19 a few days later.

The WHO suspended clinical trials after the authors of several major scientific studies raised concerns about the drug’s safety and efficacy in treating people infected with the coronavirus. This step irritated D. Trump, who often praises hydroxychloroquine, which he himself uses the drug prophylactically.

However, on Thursday, most authors of studies published in The Lancet and The New England Journal of Medicine withdrew their work, saying they could no longer guarantee the reliability of their data when the company that provided them declined to be audited. .

Then the WHO resumed testing the drug, which is traditionally used to treat autoimmune diseases and malaria.

Bolsonaro, for his part, related the decision to the fact that, with the withdrawal of the United States, the largest donor to the WHO, the organization had lost more than 400 million euros. dollars for Washington’s annual contribution.

“They cut their money and fell back in all areas,” said the Brazilian president. “Chloroquine is coming back.”

The statement came before Brazil announced that the number of victims of a coronavirus pandemic in the country had exceeded 35,000. However, the Ministry of Health changed the format to provide information and stopped publishing the total number of deaths until the last day.

In terms of COVID-19 victims, Brazil ranks third in the world after the United States and the United Kingdom.

212 million In a country with a population of over 645 thousand, cases of coronavirus infection.

However, experts say evidence is lacking in the country, so the true scale of the epidemic is likely to be much larger.

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