The Bolt scooter trip ended in disaster: he warned everyone to be careful not to repeat the same


Dancing on the scooter, Arthur was able to ride for only a few minutes, when he started and broke in half.

The man fell off the scooter, fortunately, the injuries were not very large: the body was scraped, the ankle was twisted.

“Head instead,” said the man half jokingly, half seriously, warning that other users of the service should be especially careful and take a good look at the scooters they rent.

He also reported the incident to a scooter rental company. But the answer to this turned out to be the blink of an eye.

“Hello Artūrs, thank you for applying. I’m sorry this happened to you, I passed the information on the scooter to the responsible team. As an apology for this situation with the scooter, I returned all the money for the trip,” reads the response of the business.

Bolt returned to Arthur’s account 31 euro cents, which he was able to pay for an unsuccessful and unfortunate trip.

Daily checks

As Eimantas Balta, head of shared services development in the Baltic countries, comments on Bolt’s response to Delfi, the company warns that the demand for scooters has increased due to lower prices for services.

“After the incident, I want to remind and emphasize to all our customers that the vehicle is designed to reach the destination safely – from point A to point B, it is not designed and adapted for multi-passenger trips or waterfall tricks.” , emphasized E. Balta.

According to him, the condition of the scooters is checked daily when they return to the warehouse, but if the vehicle is damaged during the day, between different trips, it will not be possible to register it.

“At this aforementioned event, we immediately handed the scooter over to our technical experts to examine it and find out why it happened, what was its usage history. After receiving the conclusions, we will immediately take all the security measures to prevent this from happening again ”, promised E. Balta.

The first case of its kind

According to a representative for Bolt, the decision to reimburse the trip was not adequate to compensate for the damages suffered.

“The compensation offered is really too low, so our team has contacted the client again and we will make a decision on the appropriate compensation. Sorry, this is the first event of its kind at our company, so We examine each case individually, evaluating all the circumstances, ”said E. Balta.

He stressed that before using the scooter, it should be inspected for technical damage. This is what can help prevent similar incidents in the future.

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