The body warns about cardiovascular disease in advance: 4 symptoms, it’s time to check


Cardiologist Taida Ivanauskienė says that vascular diseases are usually caused by atherosclerosis, which can progress unnoticed for many years, so many people face this disease only after it has significantly worsened.

What determines the development of cardiovascular diseases? What minor symptoms can betray a progressive disease and what steps can be taken to avoid the worst case scenario?

“Approximately 4 million people in Europe die each year from cardiovascular diseases. People. Often these diseases are difficult to detect at an early stage, and advanced disease manifests itself in a heart attack or stroke, which can lead to a significant impact on a person’s future life and health, ”said T. Ivanauskienė, cardiologist of Cardiology, Vilnius Center

However, the doctor says that it is often possible to prevent the disease. It is important to know what factors can lead to disease progression and timely action. But even if the disease could not be avoided, it is not a verdict. Modern medicine is really advanced and can help delay the development of the disease and avoid serious consequences.

Main pathogens and risks

Cardiovascular disease develops when blood vessels begin to clog. They harden, lose elasticity, their shine is reduced by atherosclerotic plaques, sometimes “calcified”, then it becomes difficult for blood to flow through them and provide the body and life-sustaining organs with the necessary substances. This increases blood pressure, impairs blood circulation, and puts you at high risk for a stroke or heart attack.

Cardiovascular diseases

Cardiovascular diseases

“The main causes of vascular diseases that we can correct ourselves are harmful habits, such as smoking and frequent and excessive consumption of alcohol. Also: poor eating habits, low physical activity, increased blood pressure, increased blood cholesterol, obesity, diabetes, mental and social stress, heredity.
Therefore, to prevent diseases or combat existing symptoms, these factors must be evaluated ”, says T. Ivanauskienė.

Another important factor that increases the risk of disease over the years is irresponsibility and ignorance of the symptoms. Often people do not pay attention to doctors’ instructions or signals sent by the body, so over time the disease progresses and becomes life-threatening.

Necessary prevention

Experts from the World Health Organization have estimated that quitting smoking can more than double the incidence of cardiovascular disease.

Additionally, many studies show that changing your diet from consuming saturated fat, processed foods, and eating more fresh vegetables and legumes can help protect your body’s blood vessels.

Saulius Jokubaitis, director of life insurance company SB draudimas, says in a press release that another possible preventive measure is planning and insurance, which helps you live without fear for the future.

“Cardiovascular disease is a problem for many older people. However, this does not mean that we have to live in fear all the time:” what if? “Prevention is essential. Therefore, it is often necessary to plan several steps forward so that, even in the event of illness, we can be sure that we will receive the necessary assistance and, at the same time, remain financially stable, ”says S. Jokubaitis.

The main symptoms and signs that it is time to check

Usually our body gives us certain signals that help us recognize that something is wrong after all. But often the modern hurried person ignores the signals sent by the body and misses between his fingers. However, the doctor says that certain symptoms, which recur frequently and cause discomfort, can be a serious signal to control.

Heart diseases

Heart diseases

Main symptoms:

  • squeezing and burning pain in the chest caused by physical or emotional exertion;
  • difficulty breathing;
  • pain spreading to the left or right arm, shoulder, below the shoulder;
  • wavy pain.

“With the development of cardiovascular atherosclerosis, the lumen of the heart vessels is narrowed or blocked, which reduces or stops the flow of blood to the heart muscle. This reduced blood flow causes chest pain (angina), shortness of breath, or other symptoms. Acute occlusion of the coronary artery causes a myocardial infarction. Happens when charging is interrupted fairly quickly. Sometimes the pain spreads to the left or right arm, the shoulder, and under the shoulder blade. The pain is short-lived, on average up to half a minute. “If the pain described lasts more than 20 minutes, is wavy (worsens, improves), becomes intense, sometimes unbearable, suspect an acute myocardial infarction and seek immediate medical attention,” warns the doctor.

when is the surgery needed?

Periodic screening for possible cardiovascular diseases is recommended in men over 40 years of age, women over 50 years of age, or in the postmenopausal period. The average age at risk for cardiovascular disease is 65 years.

“If a cardiologist suspects cardiovascular damage during the exam, the patient is offered an angiogram (coronary angiography) to check for narrowing of the heart’s blood vessels. It is evaluated whether it is possible to increase the brightness in narrow areas by percutaneous coronary intervention. If this is not possible, it is decided which other treatment is optimal for the patient: open surgery to form aorto-coronary connections (bypass) or only medical treatment ”, says the doctor.

After surgery, your doctor recommends following these rules to maintain results and well-being for as long as possible:

  • give up harmful habits: smoking, alcohol abuse;
  • increase physical activity (at least 30 minutes every day for more active activities: walking, running, exercising);
  • eat more cereals and vegetables. Recommended daily dose: 200 g of vegetables, 200 g of fruit, 30-45 g of fiber, 30 g of unsalted nuts. It is also recommended to eat fish 1-2 times a week. Reduce salt intake <5 g / day;
  • overweight control: keep the body mass index <25 kg / m2;
  • avoid mental and emotional stress;
  • recommended blood pressure <140/90 mmHg;
  • avoiding cholesterol-raising products: fatty, sweet foods;
  • good glycemic control with diabetes.

According to S. Jokubaitis, insurance benefits for cardiovascular diseases are quite common. “51 clients have applied to our company for a serious illness – myocardial infarction alone. However, there have been even more frequent reports of the illness in recent years, with 18 clients paying for myocardial infarction in the last five alone. years “.

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